[FREE] NProbleM Wanted (Realistic Wanted Poster) [QBCORE, ESX]

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:globe_with_meridians: User-Friendly Interface:
Provide a welcoming and user-centric interface design for players.

:video_game: Ease of Use:
Simple and understandable commands for a quick start.

Capability to make basic adjustments with just a few clicks.

:hammer_and_wrench: Ease of Editability:
Modular structure allows for easy understanding and editing of codes with explanatory comments and organized code.

Developer-friendly coding standards enable smooth editing by you or other developers.

:earth_africa: Realistic Scenario:
Introduce a reward system for successfully apprehending wanted individuals, encouraging civilians to actively pursue and arrest high-profile suspects.

:handshake: Community Support:
Continuous updates and regular community interactions for script improvement.

Explore Our Products;

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +100
Requirements ESX&QB
Support Yes

After creating the Ui dissapear but you cant move. The cursor is still there and you are stucked.

create a ticket in our server we will tryna help you!

Can more wanted persons be added? Or is it always just one? Thanks

Just one sir but you can add it to scenario.

Nice job, as always :slight_smile:

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