[PAID] PMA Radio Script - sm-radio

Config = {}

Config.jobChannels = {
– Set custom channels for jobs here
– job: Name of the job
– min & max: Minimum and maximum restricted channel the job can join
{job=“police”, min=1, max=4},
{job=“ambulance”, min=3, max=4}

– Set the default key to open the radio.
Config.DefaultOpenKey = “j”

Cache has also been deleted as sometimes that is the cause to most things being weird…

Sorry I just got home, ill get on try to see if I am getting the same issue.

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Any luck replicating my issue?

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Sorry, I forgot to check because I got busy shortly after getting home. However I just attempted to replicate it in my dev server and had no luck. The settings for the key are working perfectly fine for me. Have you modified any of the script by chance?

can you add radio animation when speaking into it?

hello the sound system

Can you optimize the server side?
It happens when i only have 100 players hahaha…

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All work, is awesome radio, but… radio volume button doesn’t work, someone can help me ?

i have the same problem but the owner doesn"t respond to me

I’m having an issue where I have to restart the script once the server starts to get it to work.

it doesn’t makes the animation when talking

Amazing radio, Thank you;)

how do i speak into it im using pma voice


why sm-radio is very high?

The user I am replying to was running an outdated version of the script, there has been a performance update since then and theyve got it now. sm-radio no longer uses that much.

I didn’t get an email after purchasing it. I am not quite sure how I will redeem my purchase?

How do you change the keybind to talk

Purchased this script it is fantastic however there is room for improvement.

Features that should be added within future

  • Ability to change radio name on the radio list through a command
  • Animation for radio like rp-radio

other then that script is fantastic would recommend

This might work fine for mumble but your version for pma_voice has been useless. Attached is the error I have been consistently getting.

Won’t open correctly via key or command, does not play well with PMA at all and your client.lua line 79
is sitting out here all alone outside of a function like it was orphaned { pma:setRadioVolume(0.99) }

This tosses the server into an endless loop from scheduler.lua 1155 that rolls across the F8 console like a Tsunami. Sorry to tell ya man but i think it’s broke. I would like to hope there might be a fix for this and that it’s issues might be in pma voice but refer to the above client.lua line 79. Would be a shame if anyone else paid for this and is now having these issues. Hope to hear something from you soon so we can confirm this is not just some orphaned project you no longer support. In the mean time i’ll spend a bit more time testing and see just how much i can find wrong with it. maybe a version change in pma is responsible ??

UPDATE: Yup it’s a bad copy of pma voice please pay close attention to version numbers for pma and your version of es. Working smoothly now, about to toss some anim in there.


I want to buy your script but I have 2 questions :

does the radio work with pma-voice and does the radio work at any distance with onesync infinity (no instance problem after a certain distance between players)?