[PAID] [MLO] V8 Cafe

A creative reproduction of the V8 Cafe from the cars movies.

Old 50s vibe, but clean

Easy to use reception area

Beautiful views to bring a date

Tebex $30

-Outside parking area for car meets
-Dining room
-Reception area

Code is accessible N/A
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support Yes Discord: klutchdecals

Woah, 35$ dollars for this, I think it’s pretty much.


A walkthrough would be great, Or at least some images with light.


Cool idea, but I think this mod would be more suited on Route 68 in Harmony.

You think this is a lot for a mlo?
Do you know how long it takes just to make the “Shell”
Look I’m not trying to be mean. but, we need to go back to charging $70 - $120
The disrespect from this community to penny stock 3d modelers and force pricing down.
I would personally buy this for $30 all day! So if that is the price keep up the great work!
Don’t let any of these hates talk


Originally, I wanted it there but so many people were complaining it was interfering with NVE and such. I plan to make a few locations and release them all with this pack. If you have a spot in mind let me know! Appreciate the feedback.

Appreciate that homie. I don’t know what to charge because I see $20 for a pair of shoes, $30 for a car that was ripped from Forza, Yet $35 is too much for a building completely hand made inside and out. I don’t do this for the money, but its impossible to find an average anymore haha.


I paid for this map and it looks so great. I think it is worth the $35 if not more for it. Currently getting this to work with our gas script look forward to seeing other projects


Thank you so much! Let me know if theirs anything I can help with!

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I am curious what fuel script do you use to get the pumps working?

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Using that logic it’s 60-70 for a new AAA game, and you’re selling one building for half of that.

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Welcome to the FiveM marketplace!

In the end just price it however you want. Pricey? People can complain about the price; people expect express support within 1 hour; you will get more money for less sales; you get a free excuse to put a subscription at a higher price because the sale value of the assets included are priced very high.

Cheaper? People somehow think the higher the price the better the product so less sales and less money at the same time; you can morally feel good because you don’t have to live with the fact you are selling a simple MLO for a free mod for 1.5 times the price of a modern game; people will praise you for selling it for a normal price.

People that rip assets from other games but sell them at such a high price are annoying anyways. But the clothing (from sims, etc) and vehicles (from forza, etc) are more notorious for this. Albeit the props category is beginning to rise with this problem as well.

While the statement from @hollywoodiownu is true and I agree €30 seems reasonable for this, most MLO/Shells/Whatever creators only do the basic of basic stuff. And with that I mean placing a prop down and call it a day. Meanwhile there is a chair in the middle of the pathway and nothing is lined up at all. Just looks “weird”. No proper audio occlusion, no proper lightning, etc. Meanwhile they are bragging about being a 3D modeler and call themselves the big shot even though the learning curve is pretty high but they aren’t even 10% of the way there.

But then we also come back to the point of people ripping stuff and then selling it and calling it their own creation.

Funny building though Lightning approved!


Anytime man its Lary Gary Mods, if you need any help Im 1 dm away
Keep up the great work, let the haters hate :slight_smile: Love the work

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Typically you can use any. Some use the prop name which is just klutch_v8_pump, Others use vector coordinates. If you let me know the fuel script you use, Ill get you any information you need.

u a troll or something u over here charging for 10 mins of work for a ymap. this looks to be from scratch. I would paid 60 for something like this. Have to say people like this is the reason why these forms are not what they use to be. Will be buying this when I get paid. 10/10 build.

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That information is really helpful. I am using cdn-fuel so I will make sure to check the files to see what all is needed. Thank you!

Add to line 1376

[1] = {
zones = {
vector2(714.07, 1279.73),
vector2(706.59, 1281.86),
vector2(699.36, 1284.59),
vector2(698.38, 1308.18),
vector2(705.61, 1310.54),
vector2(711.83, 1313.22)
minz = 355.0,
maxz = 636.0,
pedmodel = “a_m_m_indian_01”,
cost = 100000,
shutoff = false,
pedcoords = {
x = 695.98,
y = 1294.57,
z = 360.3,
h = 270.98,
electriccharger = nil,
electricchargercoords = nil,
label = “v8 Cafe”,

Added that along with the prop name into the client file but wasn’t successful in getting it to work. I will be doing a deeper dive into it this weekend

Just bought this and it looks incredible in game. Great work! Does need a few touch ups on a few little things but apart from that 10/10!

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DM me anytime and Ill get the fixes out ASAP!