[PAID] [MLO] V8 Cafe

ok bro, chill

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I dont know if your aware but the gas station just before the military base is completely buggy now with this V8 Cafe. Ive deleted the resource to make sure it is this one and it 100% is.

Ill check it out! I had no idea! Appreciate you letting me know

The gas pumps are now not working since the update. Legacy fuel is not recognising the gas pump even with the model hash

Wow that is beautiful and brings back so many memories. Keep it up!

Just an update idea…

  • Add more objects / models around the area like dumpsters, trash cans.
  • Maybe a fence to go around. As if players could fall off the edges. Expand out more by the gas pumps.

Theirs nothing new with the model hash, Ill check it out though!

Thank you!

Ill deff incorporate these in. I wasnt sure about fencing because it blocks the view, but it does make sense haha.

Have you added in different locations :0?
From the picture, it looks like its placed where one of my missions are at and kinda want to keep it there but also would love to have this mlo!

is this going to have a lore friendly / tos friendly variant

what about a spot in sandy shores? might fit the desert vibes aswell

Is this TOS friendly? Would LOVE to get this!

– Dan

hey I got this map and Im not using it, if you want it im giving it for less…

are you planning to add it to a nice location in sandy shores aswell or not?

Yeah. Im moving it to Sandy near the edge