[PAID] iMask | RageUI V2

Dépendencies: ESX Framework, RageUI V2, mysql-async

:fr: French:

Je vous présente une resource permettant d’acheter un masque, depuis le menu vous pouvez effectuer comme actions: Zoom de la caméra, rotation de gauche a droite sur le personnage, changement de couleur du masque, c’est une resource complète qui contient un fichier de configuration simple d’utilisation


:uk: English:

I present you a resource allowing to buy a mask, from the menu you can make as actions: Zoom of the camera, rotation of left to right on the character, change of color of the mask, it is a complete resource which contains a file of configuration simple of use


French: Plus d’informations sur le fichier de configuration a 1:34 de la vidéo ci-dessous
English: More information on the configuration file at 1:34 of the video below

Purchase (Price: 11.04 € / 12.93 $)
Creator: DakoM (me)


  • :dash: Others Resources:

ill just stick to the free version of the mask shop with same features…


I think you have a vision problem or you don’t like me to say that, the features available on this resource are not common

my eyes work fine sir

In that case, you probably don’t like me to say such a thing

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nah go ahead and say it, just dont charge people 12$ for a mask shop that lets you zoom in…

I do what I want and there are hours of work on this resource, so if I want to put it at this price I do what I want, that you don’t like it is one thing, to say it badly is another thing

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<3 you’re a true hero to the forums!

Is this a joke lmao , stop treating the community like a cash cow , especially with stuff that isn’t worthy of paid release. IDC how long you spent , this is no different to the free versions out

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I don’t care what you think

I also have something to add, instead of criticizing the work of others without doing better, buy the script and inspect the code you will see that it is the best and is much more complex than the basic one

do you realise, making paid products in rageui is against the creator of rageui’s tos

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Not at all the rules of the creator of this librairy do not impose anything anymore

yeah ill just buy this script so i can inspect the code…

the owner of rageui who wasn’t even creddited said on his forums post

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" No one is allowed to sell resources with rageui. I will take the necessary sanctions if that is the case. Thank you for respecting my work."

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" No one is allowed to sell resources with rageui. I will take the necessary sanctions if that is the case. Thank you for respecting my work."

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Since 2019 the creator of the RageUI lets the bookstore be sold without taking income or credit with URL as long as the name of the librairy is mentioned

his title says no one can sell using rageui

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