[paid] [esx] wx hud


Hello everyone! I am pleased to finally released another of my work for FiveM. Today, I am coming with
WX HUD! This is a ESX based, modern and minimalistic HUD aimed for roleplay servers, but as it’s OPEN SOURCE, you can edit it to match your server’s style (like PVP for example).

:shopping_cart: [BUY HERE] Tebex - 3.99$ (+ TAX)

Please note that this isn’t final release. I am planning on updating it and adding more features, like car hud etc.

Video Showcase

Incase the video doesn’t load: hud


  • Fully responsive for more than 6* resolutions
  • 4:3 support
  • Modern and minimal
  • Fully customizable
  • Small config file
* 6 resolutions that are available in the game settings

My other scripts

[PAID] WX AntiCheat

[FREE] WX Core - Essential script pack
[FREE] WX Users - Admin utility to see player id, name and status
[FREE] WX Blips - Simple blip creator
[FREE] WX Reports - ESX, Chat-based report system forwith included admin-only chat

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) <300
Requirements ESX (esx_status)
Support Yes

Just gonna paste this here since you never replied and I don’t think people should purchase from someone who can’t code but is selling scripts.

Idk if this is your first attempt at code but, It’s very chaotic ngl. Just some constructive criticism.


You have invoke natives, and then literal string natives, alongside cfx native usage, it’s like ai wrote this.

You use -1 pedid then drop it sometimes?

For some threads, you have the keymapping and command registery, but go ahead and use a thread as well?

Your friendly.lua doesn’t need a thread.

you’re literally releasing only props and mlos

dont you think 10 pounds are a bit overpriced? Why shouldnt we use the normal esx hud if its basically the same? beside of that the esx hud looks better imo only ofcourse.