[PAID] [ESX & QBCore] RoadPhone

The best phone you can get + very good support :100:


Hey this looks so clean and nice! Any plans to bring a valet type app to the phone?

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Next Update we add a Garage / Valet App.



copy of quasar phone

Quasar Phone came to the market after us.

Everyone’s saying it’s a copy just buy the damn thing before you speak. Until then great work! Keep it coming


wow + very good support

Any news on when this update will be released?

We give all the information to our customers.

this ui looks nothing like a iphone :slight_smile:

RoadPhone, sim cards DLC added.

Free for all customers.

I see, well I’m not interested in purchasing it unless it has a valet type app on it, so if you cannot tell me if you have added it or not, then I suppose this isn’t the phone for me :woman_shrugging:

As I said currently this app does not exist, I will add it with the next update. It will appear when it is ready I think at the end of this month.

It will be a big update with Facetime + Garage app + Valet + 1 more app.

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Ah I see, I must have misunderstood the last reply than :+1: TY for the info :wink:

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does this have the air drop to give contacts, and also what about cryto or stocks??

Why are my dispatches not Working

Big 0.6 Update is out now!

New: Build in FaceTime, 9Gag, Realtime Crypto, Garage App ( with Valet )

Got the phone tonight, having an issue where cars being delivered to players are being delivered without keys so they cannot drive them, that’s for cars they own and have been using previously without a problem. (QbCore)

Hey Smithy3023, you need to edit the function GiveCarKeys in ClientAPI.lua to your own key system.

thanks for coming back to me so quickly…sorry to say but I’m not sure how to do that. I’m just using the qb key system, not made any changes to that.

Also side note, is there a way to handle emails now?