[PAID] [ESX/QB/QBX] Versatile skill system for your fivem server with beautiful UI [pc_skills]

We’re excited to present another addition to our lineup – pc_skills. This script has been developed with a strong focus on three essential pillars: functionality, flexibility, and efficiency. Whether you’re creating dynamic gameplay or enhancing player progression, pc_skills is designed to deliver a seamless and customizable experience. Don’t miss the preview video and the GitBook documentation to uncover everything this resource has to offer!

Video showcase:

Key features:

  • Simple, eye-catching UI containing all the information you need
  • Animated pop-up for gaining XP and leveling up
  • Adding a new skill is very easy and can be done at any time

Current version: 1.1

Open files preview

There is a total of 2 files you can access (not protected by escrow)
Including all this code in this post would be challenging, so you can view all files in detail on our docs page here: Gitbook files preview

02/01/2025 - Update 1.1

• Added support for QBCore and QBox frameworks
• Minor fixes
• Updated docs docs.poisoncode.com
• Command for opening the skill menu was changed from /nui to /skills

Docs available at: Gitbook
Support is available at: Discord

Get it at: Tebex 15€ [tax included]

This script is included in our new monthly subscription!
Check it out here:

This resource is using escrow, not all source code is not available, but there is a few open files you can access. Visit our docs page too see config files, utilities and more!

- -
Code is accessible No (only utils and config)
Subscription-based Optionally
Lines (approximately) ~ 1100
Requirements ESX/QBCore/QBox, oxmysql
Support Yes

We are always happy to listen to any feedback/suggestions, you might have. Don’t hesitate to hit us up!

Don’t forget to check our other resources!
[FREE] [STANDALONE] Notifications system with custom sounds
[PAID] [ESX/QBCore/QBox] Advanced and highly customizable airdrop system
[PAID] [ESX/QBCore/QBox/OX] Versatile skill system with beautiful UI
[PAID] [ESX] Organizations system with tablet, zone capturing and drug wars

~ PoisonCode team ~

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1.1 update has been officialy released!
pc_skills now supports QBCore and QBox frameworks!

What changed ?

• Added support for QBCore and QBox frameworks
• Minor fixes
• Updated docs docs.poisoncode.com
• Command for opening the skill menu was changed from /nui to /skills

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super :grinning:

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The stores Tebex is down.

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Hi there!
We’re not entirely sure what you mean. The tebex store works as expected. Perhaps you visited our old site, the new one is tebex.poisoncode.com

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Indeed you are correct, Seems to not like the website :thinking:

That’s certainly odd, the website has SSL certificate and all needed security measures. It’s built using tebex headless API. The only thing that comes to mind, is that it’s fairly new domain and website and your anti-virus software might be too sensitive. If you want to access the website you can try adding our store to a whitelist, but that decision is entirely up to you.

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I think its more just my Blocked sites setup on my own end, as it is. Compute has no anti-virus but IP Is a diffirent story lol, i made a vm on my local end however that was not blocked, i dont see it being an issue really just seems like a self issue AKA “Skill issue”

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