Loby List Menu
A view from inside the lobby
Win and Lose screen
Config = {}
Config.Mysql = "mysql-async" -- oxmysql , mysql-async , ghmattimysql
Config.Distance = 5 -- Where to access the menu
Config.Namep = "dx" -- LobbyName Prefix
Config.NameNumber = 4 -- How many characters
Config.LobbyCoolDown = 10000 -- Lobby Spawn Cool Down
Config.apikey = "AA123A7D996435E510579C0C9764360F" -- https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey
Config.Markers = {
PaintBall = {
Type = 21,
Size = {
x = 1.0,
y = 1.0,
z = 0.5,
Color = {
r = 200,
g = 51,
b = 51,
Config.Blips = {
Blips = true,
PaintBall = {
Sprite = 160,
Scale = 0.7,
Colour = 1,
Config.Maps = {
MapName = "Transportation Warehouse",
information = "Narrow space hiding place is a map containing beautiful locations walls.",
map_img = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/996543951236509788/1115837749400969226/image.png",
red = {
[1] = vector4(-36.48768, -1140.328, -1.444642, 75.48946),
[2] = vector4(-36.27711, -1138.796, -1.444642, 77.53115),
[3] = vector4(-35.89815, -1137.546, -1.444642, 68.69373),
[4] = vector4(-35.07166, -1136.23, -1.444642, 75.48691),
[5] = vector4(-34.7529, -1135.046, -1.444642, 68.26452),
blue = {
[1] = vector4(-65.59706, -1119.177, -1.444641, 252.2849),
[2] = vector4(-66.2309, -1120.808, -1.444643, 252.2012),
[3] = vector4(-66.6067, -1122.751, -1.444644, 258.0199),
[4] = vector4(-67.78556, -1126.407, -1.444643, 251.9601),
[5] = vector4(-68.61132, -1128.636, -1.444643, 250.364),
Config.PaintballArea = {
AreaCoord = vector3(-282.5451, -2031.48, 30.14557)
AreaCoord = vector3(-266.0811, -2035.885, 30.14558)
Config.Langs = {
OpenMenu = "[E] - Open PaintBall Menu",
BlipName = "PaintBall Arena",
LobbyCoolDown = "You can't lobby that fast, just wait."
Do you want to meet the weapon rp needs of the people on your server, keep them on your server and entertain them, you are in the right place, this script is designed to entertain people on your server. one of the detailed paintballs in fivem.
-Detailed sleek and modern UI
-Detailed config.lua
-Maps and add-on weapons included in the file
-easy installation
-After-sales support
-Extra new maps can be added
-3 maps available by default
-Multiple matches can be played at the same time (allows many people to play at the same time by switching to different worlds during the match)
-The paintball gun used can be easily replaced at any time
-New paintball starting points can be added
-Easily language editable
Code is accessible | 2 version avaible |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | +1000 |
Requirements | esx or qb |
Support | Yes |
Open Source