[PAID][ESX][QB] Eyes Radial Hud

  • Other scripts

| Blue Garage | HUD | BLACK MARKET)

[GALLERY](([PAID & ESX - QB] Advanced Gallery System)

Code is accessible YES
Subscription-based NO
Lines (approximately) 2100
Requirements ESX & QB
Support YES

Has this all the features qb-hud has? For stress, seatbelts and everything?

if you want this privately, open a ticket, maybe we can do it for you, because things like stress are not available in this hud.

I love it :heart_eyes:

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Hi could you provide a screenshot from the config?


Nice chat

is there a way to turn off the chat? i got my own script for it

Is chat and notifications included?

Hello chat is sold separately.

No chat is on sale separately in the store