[PAID - ESX - QB] Eyes Customizable Market Shop

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Open Source (Shop)

Escrow (Shop)

  • You can create a maximum of 7 categories, the reason is that the design is compatible with it. :bookmark_tabs:
  • All animations created in NUI are specially coded, we care about such things.
  • Our resolution support goes from 1366 to 4k.
  • When the resolution is low, nui will position accordingly for a better look
  • Options such as adding items, increasing items and removing items are active.
  • Payment options special (cash, card) amount of money to be paid. :money_mouth:


  • Other scripts

| Blue Garage | HUD | BLACK MARKET | SHOPS

[GALLERY](([PAID & ESX - QB] Advanced Gallery System)

Code is accessible YES
Subscription-based NO
Lines (approximately) 720
Requirements ESX & QB
Support YES
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