[PAID][ESX/QB] Advanced Scoreboard with HEIST - CONSUMPTION 0.00 MS

Isn’t it true that the biggest servers have an exclusive and homogeneous aesthetic in all their scripts?

The design is very important for your players, because if you have every script with different designs… it will give a less professional feeling, even if your server is great.

That’s why at CodeForge we strive to forge great AESTHETIC PACKS for you to have a great server.

In this Scoreboard you will have a beautiful design, responsive and adapted to ALL RESOLUTIONS.

Optimization is the most important thing in this script. It will only consume when using the interface in server side.

All the elements have SCROLLBAR, so you can add as many elements as you want in the CONFIG, as many jobs as you want and as many heists as you want, the UI will adapt automatically.

You can have all the police jobs you want, it will recognize them just by adding them in the CONFIG.

  • UNIQUE design. Customizable and professionally animated interface.
  • Code with no known bugs and 100% optimized.
  • 0.00 ms without using the system and 0.01 ms using the system.
  • UI RESPONSIVE with all resolutions.
  • 24/7 Support

:point_right:Showcase Video: https://youtu.be/11nYrpF5BTw

:point_right:Config: PASTEBIN

:point_right:DOWNLOAD: TEBEX

Within the series there will be more coming soon, in the same style:

Other SCRIPTS :point_down:

Code is accessible No (YES aesthetics and HTML)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600
Requirements QB or ESX
Support Yes

UPDATE - Sleek Series ScoreBoard!

  • Added in the config the option to configure the core name if you have a renamed ESX or QB.

  • Added an option in the config for: Config.HidePlayerNames = true; in case you want to hide player names to avoid MG. Instead of the name the player ID will appear.

Beautiful and functional!

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Thanks! :smiley:


  • Created an export so that when a heist is in progress by a player, it appears as BUSY on the Scoreboard.


  • Added the possibility to set a LABEL to be displayed in the job name.

Now you can set what you want to be displayed in the UI in the job name. For example, even if the job is called “ambulance” the UI will show “Hospital” or whatever you set.