[PAID][ESX] 💰 Loot Dead Bodies (Source Code)

  • Only Closest Player within Specific Radius Can Be Looted
  • ESX 3D Text displayed as Help Notification
  • Animation on Looting
  • Random Loot
  • Search Keybind
  • Lootable Types Of Items (Weapons, Items, Money)
  • Blacklisted Zones (x,y,z and radius)
  • Notification Messages
  • Last Updated: 1/6/2022
  • Built On: ESX 1.1
  • Type: Open Source

:shopping_cart: Purchase via Tebex
:movie_camera: Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2CxSTuidcY

Code is accessible Yes (Source Code)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 200+
Requirements ESX
Support Yes (PM & Discord)

Confused - You loot a dead player and get a random item? Why not loot what they actually have on them.


I had the idea so in roleplay servers if you won’t steal his invetory while he is alive, and you loot him dead, you get a random item instead of all inventory. If someone doesn’t like this idea, code is accessible so he can just edit this part. Thanks for your question! :grinning:

Can you config this so when someone gets killed and logs off the server you can search his body?

It’s open source, so you can add the code of this feature by yourself. If you have not any knowledge on developing a script, message me so we can discuss about your request.

So you actually looting for the item is having on him ?

Can you modify to to make it work whit qtarget?

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Hello, you actually loot a random item which can be a weapon or an inventory item or money/black money. The script’s code is accessible so you can edit it in order to work with qtatget but if you are not able to do this, send me a message so we can discuss it.

Thanks for your question!

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Updated version available here: 💀 [STANDALONE] Loot Dead Bodies | By: Petris Services