💀 [STANDALONE] Loot Dead Bodies | By: Petris Services

Petris FiveM Services | :skull: Loot Dead Bodies Script


It is a highly optimized system that allows your players to have fun looting other dead players and choosing what they’ll take.

:memo: DOCUMENTATION: Petris Services - FiveM | :skull: Loot Dead Bodies - Gitbook

:snail: Features

  • Fully Optimized
  • Fully Configurable
  • Anti-Exploit/Cheat
  • Searching Animations
  • Choose Items Menu (Ox_Lib Context Menu)

:gear: Configuration

  • Distance Settings (View & Interact)
  • Cooldown (Toggle & Duration)
  • Blacklisted/Whitelisted Locations
  • Blacklisted Items (Items/Money/Weapons)
  • Menu Locales
  • Menu Item Icons & Colors Configuration (Default & Specific)
  • Script Locale
  • All Framework Functions Open

:shopping_cart: Buy Now

:lock:Buy Now (Escrow Version) | Only 5.99€

:unlock:Buy Now (Open Source) | Only 9.99€

:snail: Resource Information

Code is accessible Yes/No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 700+
Requirements OX Library
Support Yes via Discord

I don’t see very well the video is a bit small, does it support ox_inventory?

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Hello @liro :wave:

The GIF is small because it wouldn’t allow me to upload a higher sized video so I made it small in order to upload it.

Also, framework functions are configurable so you can change them and made them compatible with your own framework, so it can support ox_inventory and any other framework, too.

If you need any further assistance, please PM me.

:information_source: The menu is almost the same as my free release: 👤 [STANDALONE] Advanced Thief | By: Petris Services

Thanks for the link. Almost paid for your free script.

No problem. Hope you found what you were looking for! :v:


Do you think it would be possible to like go up to a dead body and harvest body parts? example there heart,brain and stuff like that? i want to be able to do that to allow players to sell the body parts on blackmarket or so. Not sure if this is possible so lmk.

Thanks Vexxy.

What if player disconnects while dead, will it create a dead body with his loot?

No, but I think you might like my Loot Bags script for this occasion.

It’s nice too, but I’m looking specifically that it would re-create a lootable player body after disconnection for few minutes, so the same player couldn’t pick his own items.
Thanks for suggestion, I’ll consider it if I wont find anything like I’m looking for. :blush:
Also you can consider an update for your current scripts of the thingy I mentioned ^ there. :grinning:

hi there , your script does not work anymore , maybe is linked to ox_lib update?Also petris_thief does not recognize handsup

Regarding petris-thief, the free resource out there, I don’t there’s a problem on hands-up animation recognization the function is based on animations and native functions, if it worked before it should be also working now. Also the loot dead bodies script is working fine for me with the latest ox_lib release.