[PAID] [ESX] KD Apartments

KDApartments v1.0

Hello! Apartment is a script for RP servers. It let you visit, buy apartments. More utilities will come soon! If you have suggest for script contact me on telegram @KicoOriginal

Current Features:

  • Buy apartments
  • Stash (Need ox_inventory)
  • Washing, Poop, Bathing
  • Sleeping
  • Change clothes
  • More comming soon


KDConfig = {}

KDConfig.OnRegisterGetApartment = false
KDConfig.TeleportOnApartman = false

KDConfig.Lang = {
    [1] = 'Apartment number:',
    [2] = 'Open door',
    [3] = 'Exit ',
    [4] = 'Your apartment',
    [5] = 'Knock to apartment',
    [6] = 'Apartment number',
    [7] = 'Type apartment number',
    [8] = 'This apartment does not exist',
    [9] = 'Someone is knocking on your door',
    [10] = 'Apartments - Clothes',
    [11] = 'Apartments - Stash',
    [12] = 'Apartments - Exit',
    [13] = 'Apartments - Bathing',
    [14] = 'Apartments - Washing',
    [15] = 'Apartments - Shit',
    [16] = 'Please wait',
    [17] = '[~r~E~w~] Stash',
    [18] = '[~r~E~w~] Clothes',
    [19] = '[~r~E~w~] Bathing',
    [20] = '[~r~H~w~] Washing',
    [21] = '[~r~G~w~] WC',
    [22] = '[~r~E~w~] Door',
    [23] = '[~r~7~w~] Sleep Left',
    [24] = '[~r~8~w~] Sleep Right',
    [25] = 'Apartments - Sleep Left',
    [26] = 'Apartments - Sleep Right',
    [27] = 'Buy apartment for $',
    [28] = 'You bought apartment for $',
    [29] = "You don't have moeny",

KDConfig.Blip = {
    Show = true,
    Coords = vector3(-267.7797, -958.6882, 31.2231),
    Color = 5,
    Scale = 0.75,
    Display = 2,
    Sprite = 475,
    ShortRange = true,
    Name = 'Apartments'

KDConfig.Apartment = {
    TeleportLocation = {-271.0101, -957.7874, 31.2274, 70.0291},
    Price = 5000

KDConfig.Sleep = {
    Right = 'e sleep2',
    Left = 'e sleep3'

KDConfig.Trigger = {
    OpenClothes = {
        Event = 'fivem-appearance:outfit',
        FivemApperaceName = 'fivem-appearance'

    InteractSound = {
        ClientEvent = 'InteractSound_CL:PlayOnOne',
        ServerEvent = 'InteractSound_SV:PlayOnSource',

    NhContext = {
        Event = 'nh-context:sendMenu'

    NhKeyboard = {
        Export = 'nh-keyboard'

KDConfig.Stash = {
    Slots = 30,
    Weight = 100000,
    Label = 'APARTMENT',
    ScriptName = 'ox_inventory'

KDConfig.Sounds = {
    Stash = true,
    Clothes = true,
    Shit1 = true,
    Shit2 = true,
    Shit3 = true,
    Bathing = true,
    DoorKnock = true,
    EnterApartment = true,
    LeftApartment = true

KDConfig.Clothes = {
    Shit = {
        Pants = {
            Male = {
                Drawable = 14, Texture = 12
            Female = {
                Drawable = 81, Texture = 1

    Bathing = {
        Pants = {
            Male = {
                Drawable = 14, Texture = 12
            Female = {
                Drawable = 81, Texture = 1

        Boots = {
            Male = {
                Drawable = 112, Texture = 0
            Female = {
                Drawable = 74, Texture = 0

        TShirt = {
            Male = {
                Drawable = 15, Texture = 0
            Female = {
                Drawable = 14, Texture = 0

        Torso = {
            Male = {
                Drawable = 15, Texture = 0
            Female = {
                Drawable = 108, Texture = 1

        Arms = {
            Male = {
                Drawable = 15, Texture = 0
            Female = {
                Drawable = 15, Texture = 0



Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000+
Requirements ox_inventory, fivem-appearance
Requirements nh-keyboard, nh-context
Requirements kd_interior and interact-sound
Support Yes
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