[PAID][ESX] BB CommunityService

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3 different job for community service
No one can enter area without community penalty
No one can exit area with community penalty
Emergency jobs can enter or exit seamlessly
Community Service Map included

My other resources:
Forum Topics:
Voting System
Fuel Station
Strip Club
Tunershop Bundle
Pursuit Mode
Damage Counter

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 700+
Requirements target script , oxmysql
Support Yes i always support my customers

Great script and customer service :heart:

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looks nice :slight_smile:

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Hey is it possible that other players can also see the same as the client doing the activities? For example, picking up the boxes, bricks, etc.

You can’t see them as other players

All objects are created locally so other players cannot see them

@devblessed since linden has discontinued support for q-target, the script no longer works with the latest versions of ox-target, can you please update it?