[PAID] Easy Blips Creator

EDG - Blip Creator

BUY: 13€

dependency 'ox_lib'

Really simple Way to Create blips,
or Delete them with 1 Click.

Creator Command: /createblip (changeable in config)


After choosing Create Blip you can choose a blip from all useable blips with just 1 click.


After you choose you’r blip, you can pick a color


Every text field fills in automaticly after you choose your blip and color.

Change the Blip Name as you wish and adjust the scale.


After Confirm you’r blip is created !

On the Delete Blip Menu you can simple remove you’r blips with 1 click.


After Creating a blip, you can find it in the blips.json file, where you still can edit them if you like.



Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements ox_lib
Support Yes

or just use this free version o:

its not a ingame creator but it does the same ?

I don’t understand you’r mission,

This script is made to be easy and fast as possible to create blips ingame.
You dont have to copy paste any coords or anything it does everything for you.

just copy coords and restart it

somethink like you did should not cost 20€ bro

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Love the idea of an in game tool for this! Working on adding blips for a lot of things in our server and it’s very annoying to keep having to look at the coords and then enter them into code so doing it all in game is a nice touch. One question I do have before I buy it though is does it have any type of permissions setup (like an AcePerm or something). I don’t want everyone to be able to create blips at their will, just my staff team.

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Yes sir, it’s for the ace group ‘admin’, you can change it in config tho.

If you need support i’ll be happy to help, or if you have any suggestions i will try to add them.

i will update and add more features to it from time to time :slight_smile:

I would love to see this expanded to allow players to save blips they want to add to the map like a personal blips… maybe even give players the ability to send blips to other players… like for example if a player is looking for the money wash

Very cool idea though !

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good idea, i didn’t think about integrating the actual players in it but that’s possible to do.

Could you save all of that data player side so server owners arent dealing with extra network data?