[PAID]dream-vehicleShop | Advanced Vehicle Shop

  1. Multi Payment Method
  2. Categorized Shop
  3. Display Featured Vehicles
  4. Clean UI
  5. Test Driving
  6. Sale Animation
  7. JSON Stock Database
  8. Lang Support
  1. All functions in config file

  2. Easy stock and price management

Code Line = +700 LUA , +600 JS
Support = YES


Please include the paid release template as a whole, thank you :mascot:


Okey :slight_smile:

[PAID] Advanced Vehicle Shop - FiveM Resource Development & Modding / Releases - Cfx.re Community

Did you just steal this guy’s script?

1 Like

45% of the script you mentioned is problematic

I re-coded the optimization and stock part on the script without any problems, except for the ui, it has nothing to do with the mentioned script anymore.

You’re right that I’m using it in an infrastructural sense.

It looks nice and plain, but it can be edited as a little more theme.

Thanks bro

I would not call this advanced

Json data Json stock optimize Isn’t it enough for you

I paid for this and you don’t support it