[PAID] Anti Third Person Aim Glitches + Left Peak

Anti Third Person Aim Glitches + Left Peak

This script is a multi purpose resource

  • Blocks players from shooting throw walls and objects or taking advantages from abusing GTA V default crosshair bullets system where bullets always go to crosshair despite character position and predict if their aim will shoot on other player which could be in a position where he wont see the shooter so it will block the shooting and show X mark on the wall/object which blocks the shooting.
  • Add new gameplay feature of shooting from left side as default right peak with blocking the shooting throw walls and objects same as right side.
  • Automatic calculations for left peak from getting outside the the walls for clean shooting view same as right peak

This scripts is Standalone so you can use it over your server for ESX / QBCore / VRP or any other framework

Features / Screenshots

:white_check_mark: Fivem Key bind for toggling Left/Right Peak.


:white_check_mark: Block Shooting Throw Walls.


:white_check_mark: Block Shooting Throw Objects.


:white_check_mark: System Always Checking even without aim (to protect abusing first bullet shooting without aim).


:white_check_mark: Accurate Detection from fast movements either from left/right peaking



:white_check_mark: Left Peaking (you can shoot from character left hand)


:white_check_mark: Left Peaking doesn’t clip player camera inside walls


This image shows player camera correctly showing left peak with his back stick to the wall without getting camera into the wall and player can see clean view for shooting

:white_check_mark: Show/Hide/Change X Emoji on the object which blocks the shooting.


Resmon Usage
The script is optimized to only 0.02ms in normal and 0.03ms while holding weapon and 0.04ms while showing marker and blocking shooting


Holding Weapon / Without Using Marker

Blocked With Marker


Config.CheckRateDelay = 150 -- Delay time in milisec between each system check 
                            --(lower values consumes more CPU Usage but more accurate)
Config.ShowMarker = true    -- You can totaly hide marker for clean screen
Config.Marker = '❌'       -- You can choose the emoji to show over blocking wall/object or write text to show
Config.MarkerSize = 0.3     -- Size for Emoji or text shown from marker
Config.MarkerRateDelay = 10 -- Delay time in milisec between each marker refresh 
                            -- (lower consumes more CPU Usage but more marker stability)
Config.AllowLeftPeak = true             -- Allow Peaking Left and Right for better fights
Config.LeftPeakCommand = "toggle_peak"  -- Command for adding the Keybind
Config.LeftPeakKey = "E"                -- Keybind for toggling between Left and Right peaking
Config.LeftPeakKeyDescription = "Toggle Shooting View Between Left and Right" -- Description shown in FiveM Keybinds Settings

V3.1.0 19/12/2021

  • Added CheckRateDelay and MarkerRateDelay Control
  • Marker now shown only when aiming but block shooting without aiming
  • Left Peak camera now smoother than before when character moving
  • Added More Info for for config file
  • Refactoring code for more optimizations to reach 0.03ms (OLD 0.09ms) while holding weapon and 0.04ms (OLD 0.12ms)while shooting


Tebex (15$) : Click ME

Installation & Usage

Purchase the resource from Tebex and wait until you receive the download in your email, or access it via your purchased assets in the Keymaster

In your server.cfg add ensure AUScripts_AntiThird to it, don’t try to change resource name or wont work.


the idea is good but 30 bucks bruh?

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ok, I’ve lowered the price to 20$ :heart:


how many ms does this use client side?


0.02ms in normal and 0.09ms while holding weapon

Normal :

Shooting :

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Ip lock or obfuscate? Very cool idea!

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i think he use asset escrow


No it’s not ip locked, the script is linked to new FiveM keymaster system so you can use it over your FiveM keymaster account servers so you can buy and run the script instantly and it’s using escrow encryption but it’s fully configurable

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i bought the script and its very perfect and great idea .


Thanks :heart:

Really, 20$?


MS Seems quite high, I would of purchased if it wasnt encrypted, as I could probably get that MS down and move it onto my smallresources. But looks good though

sadly I can’t lower the price below 20$, the price could be high for you but it’s normal for the rarity of the idea and it’s packed with heavily calculations which could never get below this ms in resmon, the more to know is this script I’ve developed for my main server for year ago released it by now when it’s ready and totally optimized for any server to rely on

bro he did this for free [RELEASE] [FREE] xenos_anti-aimglitch :upside_down_face:


Heavy calculations? I don’t see how a simple raycast is a heavy calculation. But it doesn’t matter since it’s already free.

we could say this free version contain a too minified version of the script without changing the peaking left and right and without camera collision when aiming from right side or even without changing the view to the left and without detecting objects and without protecting first bullet which you can shoot before you aim which makes it useless for a prototyped free version, and my script is standalone which doesn’t need dependencies
cheers :clinking_glasses:

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his script has a drawtext dependency, which can be re-created in 3 seconds ahha

ok to sum it all up for now this still a minified scripts from the main idea of the script, you can get it now for only 10$ to get the original script with left peak and camera collision not getting into walls and with accurate detection + support for the idea.

does x show with crosshair disabled

yes it is independent and you can disable it from config file by setting Config.ShowMarker to false

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