🆗 okokBillingV2 [QBCORE][ESX][PAID]

Hey any trigger to open the menu? I want to open the billing thing in a F5 menu. thanks

Support via PM.

Is it possible that the player gets the money from the bills on the bank and not in the company treasury?

I’m sorry but I didn’t understand your question.

How to add okok billing with police fine type from f6 menu?

Support via PM.

i have the same problems

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:ok_hand: nice

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I’m looking to get all the okok scipt. Can they be used with essential mode?

Sure, you can use it while using essentialmode.

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Account column error
Where xplayer==nil

TriggerServerEvent(“okokBilling:CreateInvoice”, GetPlayerServerId(player), ‘’, _U(‘fine_total’, data.current.fineLabel), data.current.amount)


Hey, is there any way I can translate the ‘Search…’ field? Been trying but didn’t find it anywhere besides ‘searchable: true’ which seems impossible to translate.

Thanks, awesome script as always! :wink:

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How to fix Missing colum in sql, account in user table

this script can do autopay ? if player no want click pay

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Yes, it autopays after some days, you can set it in the config file.

Can I get this to work for player to player invoices?


nah but asked him if he could make one earlier lol :smiley: hopefully he can, be much better

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