no problem sorry for the problems
sorry i can’t
but its is the okokChat
but you can buy it here
hey , how to change the control for broadcast ? it’s leftalt and it’s not possible to change this same in config. In the client i do not find … Thanks
make sure too have setup all the settings in the server.cfg
FiveM Config
NOTE: Only use one of the Audio options (don’t enable 3d Audio & Native Audio at the same time), its also recommended to always use voice_useSendingRangeOnly.
setr voice_useNativeAudio true # Uses the games native audio, will add 3d sound, echo, reverb, and more. Required for submixs
setr voice_use2dAudio false # Uses 2d audio, will result in same volume sound no matter where they’re at until they leave proximity.
setr voice_useSendingRangeOnly true # Only allows you to hear people within your hear/send range, prevents people from connecting to your mumble server and trolling.
PLEASE NOTE: Any keybind changes only affect new players, if you want to change your key bind go to Key Bindings → FiveM → Look for keybinds under ‘pma-voice’.
General Voice Settings
setr voice_enableUi 1 # Enables the built in user interface
setr voice_enableProximityCycle 1 # Enables the usage of the F11 proximity key, if disabled players are stuck on the first proximity
setr voice_defaultCycle “F11” # The default key to cycle the players proximity
setr voice_defaultVolume “0.8” # The default volume to set the radio to (has to be between 0.0 and 1.0) NOTE: Only new joins will have the new value, players that already joined will not.
Phone & Radio
setr voice_enableRadios 1 # Enables the radio sub-modules
setr voice_enablePhones 1 # Enables the phone sub-modules
setr voice_enableSubmix 1 # Enables the submix which adds a radio/phone style submix to their voice
setr voice_enableRadioAnim 1 # Enables (grab shoulder mic) animation while talking on the radio.
setr voice_defaultRadio “CAPITAL” # The default key to use the radio
Grid & Sync
setr voice_zoneRadius 256 # Sets the zone radius size, setting this below 256 can cause voice loss among other issues.
setr voice_zoneRefreshRate 200 # How often to refresh the grid, higher value leads to issues when in the same car
setr voice_syncData 0 # enables state bags to be sync’d server side & to other clients, has to be enabled on startup NOTE: Requires OneSync (not legacy)
External Server & Misc.
setr voice_allowSetIntent 1 # Whether or not to allow players to set their audio intents (you can see more here) MumbleSetAudioInputIntent - Natives @ Docs
#setr voice_externalAddress “none” # The external address to use to connect to the mumble server
#setr voice_externalPort 0 # The external port to use
setr voice_debugMode 0 # 1 for basic logs, 4 for verbose logs
setr voice_externalDisallowJoin 0 # Disables players being allowed to join the server, should only be used if you’re using a FXServer as a external mumble server.
setr voice_hideEndpoints 1 # Hides the mumble address in logs NOTE: You should only care to hide this for a external server.
Aces Permission
#add_ace group.superadmin command.mute allow;
thanks men for your answer and your work !!
np happy i can help
No, this is a usable item, while the one that I provide is meant to be framework agnostic (hence no item checks).
Thank you for extending
you welcome
how you have that voice filter ?
you have to go insite pma-voice client and the main.lua file
then go to linie 82 and paste this in
and turn submix on in the server.cfg i have share in the top,
let me know if its working
local radioEffectId = CreateAudioSubmix(‘Radio’)
SetAudioSubmixEffectRadioFx(radioEffectId, 0)
SetAudioSubmixEffectParamInt(radioEffectId, 0, GetHashKey(‘default’), 1)
SetAudioSubmixEffectParamFloat(radioEffectId, 0, GetHashKey(‘o_freq_lo’), 300.0)
SetAudioSubmixEffectParamFloat(radioEffectId, 0, GetHashKey(‘0_freq_hi’), 6000.0)
AddAudioSubmixOutput(radioEffectId, 0)
there is a new version V1.2
Couldn’t start resource rp-radio.
I need some more info in just couldn’t start the resouce
any errors
It does not matter if you have the item or not, it doesn’t seem to change anything, I need urgent help!
sure u are using the right version ???
And are there any error’s
No errors, I’m using the most recent one.
can u send a screenshot of the server file ???
(‘o_freq_lo’) Is this supposed to be o instead of 0?
now i mean server.lua