you welcome let me know if it working for you
still not working.
is it channel 1 you are trying too connect too ??
yes i am trying to connect to channel one as police.
okay try too take a screenshot off the code u paste in the esx_policejob cilent.lua
okay and you restarted the whole server after pasting in ??
yes i have but still does not work.
and do u have a trigger call esx_policejob:forceblip in the server.lua ???
for i am not sure but if the trigger fails too load the rest of the function stop working so maybe make the
try too put this up in ur client main.lua
where the rest of the local is
local PlayerData, CurrentActionData, handcuffTimer, dragStatus, blipsCops, currentTask, spawnedVehicles = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
Nice release! Mind sharing the chat resource you are using? I really like the looks of it!
I might have found a solution to the problem the name of the resource was rp-radio-pma-voice and in the files it is called rp-radio so trying the new name now i changed it from rp-radio-pma-voice to rp-radio to see if that fixes it because it came up with another error saying no exports.
made no difference.
Doing that now
EDIT: Added the player data like you suggested still does not work.
okay try this
while ESX == nil do
TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)
while ESX.GetPlayerData().job == nil do
isPlayerWhitelisted = refreshPlayerWhitelisted()
PlayerData = ESX.GetPlayerData()
Working now thank you.
Amazing release anyway thanks for fixing the problems.