[Non-ELS] All Blue Valor Pack

This is my all blue valor lightbar mini-pack
It’s a mini-pack for now because it has 3 cars to start off a small department fleet and because the features included took me a while to do - will add more to the pack soon :slightly_smiling_face:


  • 2018 FPIS/Taurus
  • 2011 CVPI/Crown Victoria
  • 2019 Tahoe

Modkits like NoPixel

  • Roof numbers
  • 3 pushbar options
  • Interior modkit
  • Antenna modkit

Your server will need something like vMenu to function, or any menu that can put modkits on vehicles.

Other features:

  • All lights are extras
  • Handling files
  • Custom engine sounds
  • Option to have a fixed wobbly antenna on the back or without
  • Showcase server for you to try the cars before you buy anything, more details available on my Tebex Store

Some pictures:

Purchase HERE

Code is accessible Models are locked, meta files are not behind escrow
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements None
Support Yes
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Your light bar isn’t centered on the Tahoe… or at least it doesn’t appear so in the video.

Might be the angle of the video, the lightbar never leaves the centre axis when im adjusting it on z3d. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you mean it’s too far forward, it’s where it is meant to be after using reference pictures

how did you do the numbers?
:thinking: is it livery?

Its via the modkit, so when you go to mod the car using vMenu for example, you’ll need to go to where you’d find the bodykits for the car and they are in there. They will appear over the top of any livery you put on. :smile:

so those are basicly liveries?

In the game it is not a livery, it is a bodykit.
It’s a bodykit that will go on over the top of any livery you put on the car as that is a seperate item for the car that needs to go into the YTD like most cop cars that have liveries :slight_smile:

ok thanks ^^ awesome creation :smiley:

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