New Ui for scoreboard

I saw a nice scoreboard… don’t remember where though and I thought it’s time to offer a facelift to the old one. The only thing I modified is the Ui.

  • To Install:
    Simply drag esx_scorebard to your resource folder
    Add start esx_scoreboard to your server.cfg
    Connect to server press F8 (if the server was running while you added the scoreboard) and type in start esx_scoreboard

  • To view it, press DELETE (not backspace)
    Download link:



isnt that from dutchplayers?

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They forked my release from github:


love the idea but I think most servers go for a leaderboard that the opacity is low and the board is small so it doesn’t get in the way when u r driving or shooting…

Like this one

Nope, we just forked it :slight_smile:

Thank you sir

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Can you give some more information about the market, cinema and Banking service active or not active?
I get the point of AI doctor and mechanic and stuff… But what about the market and banking?

Everything works what in picture?

Yes, what you see in the picture is what you get on your server.

That was specific to my server, it will simply check for a specific resource, and if it’s on, it will display that. For example, I use new baking, if the resource exists and is turned on, will display ‘banking system online’, if it’s off, it will display ‘banking system inactive’. I did not include that part of the script (yet) because I’m still working on the configuration part, will be available soon.

ooooo, this do be looking hot good release! :smiley:

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Are the player list columns is sorted by ID number or not yet?

Can you make this work with the Roleplay name instead someones Steam name?

I’ve found out that when you restart the resource when users are online, after restarting we do see the RP name

SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_scoreboard/server/main.lua:56: attempt to index a nil value (field ‘player’)

ref (@extendedmode/server/main.lua:219)

the scoreboard work for me but in my server console i have this error

What version of ESX you have ?

i use extendedmode

Couldnt load resource esx_scoreboard
could not open resource metadata file resources:/esx_scoreboard//_resource.lua

hi can you help me with this?

Can you do this work with extendedmode?

the file should be __resource.lua not _resource.lua

Please help and thanks

I don’t know what you guys are doing to butcher a simple script like this one, but I’m not able to duplicate these errors in any way. If you modified somehow the content of the files, i cannot assist. Sorry…