🛎️ [New] CivLife 4.0 [2021] [PD/EMS Hiring Heads of Department] | Serious RP | Custom Scripts | Custom Cars | Custom Clothes | Unique Scripts | Economy | Civilian Jobs & More

Discord: Discord

Our Devs Portfolio


What is CivLife 2021

CivLife is a devoted and serious roleplay server that is dedicated to provide realistic roleplay and fun, all while providing unique custom features that keep our community thrilled and involved. With active development and staff team there to assist you by giving you the best experience possible.
CivLife has so many constant changing features and unique scripts that bring roleplay and immersion to life in an easy-to-learn and efficient way with CivLife’s dedicated community that has weekly events and other activities/things to do in the city. There are so much opportunities which will never leave you feeling dull or bored. There is always something new with CivLife with so much more to come. So what are you waiting for? Join CivLife today! (More information in our discord), CivLife has been a ongoing project for @KrizFrost for the past 4 years, With a dedicated devoted community.

Why Choose CivLife?

CivLife RP is a dedicated serious roleplay server, CivLife RP has had a huge revamp and dedicated to providing serious roleplay with adding features that our community members suggest that can better improve their experience and roleplay, with a highly skilled developer that could possibly make any possibility a reality, if your looking for a serious roleplay server to create stories and provide content this is the city for you, we are 100% Twitch friendly and all our members have to follow twitch tos, We’re not just looking to be any other community we are looking to provide content and great roleplay for everyone in our community and server, with multiple positions available in multiple departments why not take the chance to come on over, and if being apart of Police or EMS isn’t for you and the criminal life is we have black market and gun dealers as well as drugs in our server, Or you want to do street racing we got you, ever want to manage or run a drifting group we got you, Even if your not into criminal RP our developers are dedicated to providing Civilians a better experience if you have any suggestions or ideas shoot them to our devs to better improve your experience.

What Features does CivLife Have?

CivLife has 4 years of experience within FiveM, and the FiveM Community the owner has over 4 years of experience with FiveM lua and is also known for some of the most popular scripts on the forums.
There are multiple activities and features listed below, With changes being made daily and improvements and additions some may not be listed below but may already be in the city when you join.

  • Lawyers
  • Judges
  • Court System
  • Virtually every house is rob-able.
  • Custom Import Vehicles
  • Import Shop
  • Premium Deluxe Motorsports Jobs
  • Mechanic Shop
  • Tow Job
  • Barbershop
  • Taxi at any point you’d like /taxi.
  • Evidence (DNA/Fingerprints ect…)
  • Advanced Indepth Hospital System
  • Separate Divisions for Police such as (SASP/LSPD/BCSO Ect…)
  • Free Apartment.
  • Unique Customization for your ped facial features & more)
  • Active Staff
  • Dedicated & Devoted Developers
  • Pawnshop
  • Stash Houses
  • Smelting Goods.
  • Weed Selling
  • Black Market
  • In-depth Crafting System
  • Unique ability to own businesses and create jobs (You must RP this out our developers will work with you as long as you put in the work and create functionality around what you’ve created in the storyline)
  • Community polls
  • Suggestions & Feedback to development team and staff
  • Changelogs
  • Community members devoted to assist you if you have questions or concerns.
    & More.

Is CivLife RP For me?

If you are looking for a server that you can create a character with unique character traits that you stick to while you create a immersive developing character storyline while meeting new people and interacting with other individuals then this is the community for you.

What makes CivLife so good?

The amount of experience the staff management team has, @KrizFrost has over 5 years experience within FiveM and the FiveM community and has been working on servers for 5 years straight within Fivem. and has some amazing Unique scripts on the forums that many popular servers use daily.

How to join!

Discord: Discord
Website: https://civ.onl/index.html


You are one of the biggest, I would like you to help me if you want.

This is probably one of the most legit advertisements for development services I’ve seen on these forums in a long time.



The server is lit for RP. It’s really fun and enjoyable to immerse yourself with other player’s characters. The server is a great community for everyone who is looking to enjoy GTA mechanics mixed with role custom scripts and great role play. The development of this server is great and consistent. The developer is always looking for ways to make the server more enjoyable for the community and the feedback given from the community drives the developer to create higher quality scripts.

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This city is the second city i was ever in! the dev team or dev should i say is one of the hardest working devs if there is problem with something he trys his best to fix it that day if he isnt to busy. The city is full of bunch of great people that i wouldnt ever be able to leave this city because its always great rp with them!!! CivLife is the best city around hands down

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I have been on the server for 2 months or so now, From day one i really felt comfortable getting into progressing my character with friendly welcomes from all of the players and staff i ran into both in the discord and server, Whether or not your an experienced role player or just someone looking to get into it i think personally you have no need to look anywhere else, The staff treat everyone equally INCLUDING THE OWNER, and every issue you come across is always dealt with respectfully and quickly. The developer is doing an awesome job on this server and i personally feel isn’t being credited enough. He looks into what the community wants as a whole and considers most suggestions that are voted on if not all.

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I have been with CivLife with about 8 Months and i love it the Staff team is great always there to help with any problem someone may have. The owner KrizFrost goes out of his way to make sure everyone is have a good time rp and he also takes suggestions on new job Scripts people want to see in the city and he makes the job scripts from the start. I think everyone should give Civlife a chance it is a very good server.

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Updated the Post for 4.0 and [2021]

SERVER IS BACK! :slight_smile:

Obviously we are not using our breathing script in our live server lol

Updated Post!