Don’t get your hopes up, this is but an example and only one audio entry is available. I just wanted to share this to let you know what is possible if you would follow [How-to] Make a SimpleSound using native audio
The example provided here is the x16 pistol for which I used this post on Since this is a pistol, I used the sns pistol as base template. Therefore the other sounds like reloading and such will be based on that. I have only replaced the PlayerFire entry which is the main firing sound. (I still need to figure out how to replace all the other sounds)
If you just want to test this out. Run this resource (everything withing weaponAudio folder) and edit your weapon.meta of choice where you want to apply the sound. Find the <Audio> entry and replace it with audio_item_x16pistol.
This will be streamed to every client thus everyone hears the same sound. This way we don’t have to rely on the client downloading the appropiate files to modify their sounds. Furthermore we can finally adapt the sounds of addon weapons instead of relying on existing WeaponAudioItems. Just trying to see how many people are even interested in this hence why only one sound.
I tried myself but only got to the codewalker part and couldn’t figure out how to get into edit mode.
Would be nice if there was a video tutorial to follow
English isn’t my native language otherwise I would make video’s on it. As for more sounds, I’m probably going to get into paid resources again sooo that is that.
In CW go under tools and use the Audio Explorer one.
Here you can select the specific type you want to search for. In this case WeaponAudioItem
And now you can see a whole list of registered weapon audio item entries. Here you can follow the path of where everything is coming from. You can re-use these hashes in your own dat files.