🚀 Multicharacter + Identity UI | ANOTHER STYLE FULL INTERACTIVE | QB-ESX

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:star2: Introducing Our Revamped Multicharacter System for Roleplay Servers :star2:

We are thrilled to unveil our revamped multicharacter system for your roleplay server! :briefcase: We’ve poured countless hours and hard work into its development, and the results are nothing short of spectacular. With this innovative system, your gaming experience will be elevated to new heights with a plethora of character options and actions at your fingertips during character creation and selection. :video_game:

:key: Key Features:

  1. :desktop_computer: User-Friendly Interface: Say hello to an intuitive and user-friendly interface that’s not only a breeze to use but also adapts seamlessly to any screen size. Our modern interface comes alive with captivating visual effects, animations, and immersive sounds that’ll transport players deep into the heart of the roleplay universe.
  2. :man_mage: Character Selection: With our multicharacter system, you can effortlessly create and manage multiple characters, each with their own unique characteristics, captivating stories, and pivotal roles in the roleplay world.
  3. :art: Flexibility: Dive into a world of limitless customization options for your characters, letting players craft their avatars to match their wildest desires and necessities.
  4. :milky_way: Immersive Experience: Thanks to meticulously designed visual effects and soundscapes, players will be completely absorbed in the roleplay realm, embarking on a journey that’s more realistic and thrilling than ever before.
  5. :framed_picture: Modern Design: Our interface boasts a modern and sleek design, keeping in step with the latest game design trends. This not only enhances the game’s aesthetics but also ensures that navigating the system is a piece of cake.
  6. :iphone: Universal Compatibility: Our interface has been engineered with compatibility in mind, catering to a wide array of devices and screen sizes. This ensures that every player can seamlessly savor the experience.

In summary, our multicharacter system isn’t just a game-changer for your roleplay server; it’s designed to amplify your players’ gaming escapades. With its user-friendly interface, customization galore, and modern design, we’re confident that this system will emerge as the star attraction on your roleplay server. We can’t wait to share this groundbreaking innovation with you and your player community! :rocket:

:star2: Multichar Preview:

View Multichar Preview

:briefcase: Character Information Preview:

Character Information Preview

:house_with_garden: Character Garage Preview:

Character Garage Preview

:house: Character House Preview:

Character House Preview

:closed_lock_with_key: Identity Registration Preview:

Identity Registration Preview

:video_game: Features:

  • :repeat: Responsive Design
  • :bust_in_silhouette: Identity & Registration Menu
  • :man_mage: Multicharacter system with configurable slots
  • :page_facing_up: Character Information (Name, Lastname, Birthdate, Gender, etc)
  • :red_car: Character Vehicles (Brand, Status, Impound Status, Preview)
  • :house_with_garden: Character Properties (Spawn inside the house, Keyholders, House Info)
  • :fireworks: A wide variety of sound effects, animations, effects, transitions
  • :gear: Well-optimized
  • :globe_with_meridians: Configuration file for script translations

:link: Requirements:

  • :briefcase: QBCore Framework
  • :card_index_dividers: Sql Script (mysql-async, oxmysql, ghamattisql)
  • :red_car: spawnmanager (installed by default on cfx-default/[managers])

:inbox_tray: Download Config File

:shopping: Tebex QB Version
:shopping: Tebex ESX Version

Enjoy your enhanced roleplay experience! :stars:

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +4000
Requirements In the description
Support Yes
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This is actually cool!

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Thanks so much! <3

This is legit the best multicharacter ive seen, well done man

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We are excited to know that you liked this release!!! :heart:

:loudspeaker: UPDATE

  • We have released the ESX VERSION of this same script, you can find it in our Tebex store.

respect frumos server :+1:



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:loudspeaker: UPDATE

  • Added Config.UseQuasarHousing to enable the option of load propertys if you have qs-housing.
  • Fixed some issues with ESX versions.

Bro this has been my dev for almost 2 years now and when I tell you he covers everything when it comes to his script creations. This is it! This is straight heat and I’m glad he was able to put it in my server.

Y’all need to get this script now!!!

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Thank you very much for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it very much. <3

Hello does it have tebex connection to unlock extra slots? Or something like that

Hi, you can add more slots by adding on the config.lua file the license of the person you want enable extra slots.

thanks for reply 1 month later, I already bought different script :+1:

i know i know sorry i was in a toxic relationshit can´t response u my bad and im happy u find a multichar script :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear that brother! No problem hope all is well for you