I have modified the car shop by Artus to make a money truck garage for RP server
1.Download the File
2.Put it in the resource folder
3.Write moneygarage in citmp-server.yml
Download Here :
moneygarage.rar (4.5 KB)
Original :
The install is the same then :
You need to be more explicit on what your scripts do. Make a better presentation instead of putting the same youtube video. Maybe screenshots ? Better way to show us your modifications of scripts.
Maybe just me, but i really never understand what you are releasing …
1 Like
May 17, 2017, 8:32pm
same for me , i REALLY dont know what your script does, more details could be more than welcome.
May 17, 2017, 8:34pm
What is a “Money truck garage”?
What i can see in this video it’s just the vehicleshop replace to the cops station with cops vehicle inside.
1 Like
@ig0ne @Scapin @danti this is a pre-alpha An actual properly done script will be coming out.
I am working on it now. There will be multiples job. And a full video on my channel. So go subcribe to my channel. LF Team
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