Modern! Advacned Spawnselector [ESX-QB]


  • Locations can be configured via config file.
  • Location categorization can be configured.
  • All the information inside the locations can be accessed and edited.
  • Client and Server side are running using 0.0 resmon.


:movie_camera: Modern Spawnselector


:bulb:Esx & Qb ~ Open Sources

Other Scripts

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Subscription-based :x:
Requirements :x:
Code is accessible :heavy_check_mark:
Support :heavy_check_mark:
Lines (approximately) 150+

may be the best spawnselector :innocent:

1 Like

Amazingg :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Perfect spawnselector i had ever seen :hot_face:

Modern and advanced yet it’s nothing new that everyone else hasn’t done? I think the google translate didn’t translate well.

I tried to improve as much as possible and do things that other people don’t do, such as the number of players in locations and the areas around them. :hugs:

Looks cool, very clean UI

This is Very Nice :heart:


This should not be sold as “Open Source” if 100% of the code is not accessible.

Updated Now 100% accessible

is this compatible with qb apartments and qs-houses?

purchase link is broken…