UPDATE v.1 → v.2 : 17/01/2022 :
The ZIP is directly the " Patoche plasmakart V2 "
- folder size optimization
- collision optimization
- addition of pedestrian access to the circuit
- addition of a ramp to return to the circuit in case of problems
- add the new door on the doorlock ( at the bottom of this post )
This is the video demo of principal update :
Hello Community !
Here’s my public release map : Plasma Kart ! I hope you’ll like it ! It’s really crazy racetrack map. You can try your pilot skill.
/!\WARNING: It’s a collaboration with PataMods. I made the map, they mades the script.
- isn’t possible to go on the race on your own (execpt in no clip mode because the script TP you directly. An update will allow it)
- An invisible wall protects the road exits
This map use the CFX Asset Escrow System.
- This map is partially encrypted by Tebex and CFX Asset Escrow System. This is licensed on your cfx account that you entered when purchasing the package.
- After your purchase, tebex will send an email with the download link. By the way, you can download your item from your keymaster dashboard HERE
- Don’t worry if you bought this map and you aren’t the owner of the server: You can transfer ownership of this script in Keymaster.fivem. Go to “Purchased assets” and select “Transfer to another account”.
(More information here Introducing Asset Escrow for your resources - Cfx.re Announcements - Cfx.re Community)
Tebex link : https://patoche-mapping.tebex.io/package/4724384
step 1 : Copy/Past the folder " patoche_plasmakart " on your resource folder .
step 2 : Open your server.cfg and Start/Encure patoche_plasmakart.
doorlock info :
click here for check doorlock info
Place : Entrance ( left - left )
Name : patoche_plasmakart_doorlobby
Position : X:-2271.905 Y:230.1211 Z:169.9078
Place : Entrance ( left - right )
Name : patoche_plasmakart_doorlobby
Position : X:-2271.958 Y:227.1024 Z:169.9078
Place : Entrance ( right- left)
Name : patoche_plasmakart_doorlobby
Position : X:-2272 Y:224.7036 Z:169.9078
Place : Entrance ( right - right )
Name : patoche_plasmakart_doorlobby
Position : X:-2272.052 Y:221.6836 Z:169.9078
Place : cloakroom to racetrace
Name : v_ilev_phroofdoor
Position : X:-2275.646 Y:223.2697 Z:108.5412