[MLO] NIA - National Investigation Agency

*Attention this map is protected with Tebex encrypt system

This interior are builded based for Investigation Team

This model have 13 Rooms in Main Building

Entrance / Lockers / Interrogation Room / Evidences / Cells / Office / Controls Room / Servers Room / Reunion Room / Laboratory / Training / Meeting Room / Rooftop / Armory / Garage - 9 Cars

You can buy here!


Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements bob74_ipl-master (Go to : \bob74_ipl-master\gtav\base.lua, and remove the ipl facelobby) - FiveM Artifacts 5848 - FiveM Build 2545 / 2612
Support Yes

All Realeses:
[MLO] Redline Performance - Tuner Shop
[MLO] Moto Clubhouse - (Garage/Bar/Tattoos)
[MLO] Ballas Records - Bar / Music Studio
[MLO] East Customs Garage - Car Workshop [Tuner Shop]
[MLO] LS Motors - Dealership [Car Showroom]
[MLO] Los Santos Customs (Car Workshop)
[MLO] Illegal Business (Coke, Meth, Weed)
[MLO] Paleto Medical Center
[MLO] Rocks in Socks (Jewelry)
[MLO] Western Motorcycle Dealership
[MLO] Route 68 Garage (Car Workshop)
[MLO] Luxury Autos Dealership
[MLO] Taco Farmer Restaurant
[MLO] Davis Pawn Shop


Very Good

Could you add different versions like for IAA (International Affairs Agency) or FIB (Federal Investigation Bureau) too?

But all in one a very good map! :heart:

Can logo be changed? As Nacional is spelled different in my country.

yes you can

do you need to disable weazel news or something? slightly confused?
weazel news shows up, like the nilla interior

Can I change all those textures to be FIB?

Yes you can