Megaphone with Submix and item


Today I am releasing a FREE megaphone script for FiveM Community!

Showcase :

Features :

Requirements :

  • qb-core OR ESX
  • VOIP scripts

NOTE: Yes it DOES change your voice and it will sound like you are talking via megaphone.

Download :

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 40~
Requirements qb-core/ESX, mumble/pma-voice, Emote Menu
Support Yes

sounds like an awesome script , i’d be down to use it for my esx server ! could it work for pma-voice tho ?

Yes it does work on pma-voice

Would love it for my esx legacy server

You just need to add the item and add the code in. I don’t have ESX server or it would take 2 minutes to do

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waiting for esx version

nice work


You can test it on my dev server if wanted

if you want to use it for esx simply change this in server.lua

ESX = exports[‘es_extended’]:getSharedObject()

ESX.RegisterUsableItem(‘megaphone’, function(source, item)
TriggerClientEvent(‘megaphone:use’, source)

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Update :

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You could make it multi framework, instead of uploading two files to the server.

Add file config.lua

Config = {}

Config.Framework = 'esx' -- esx, qb-core, 

and add to server.lua the following.

if Config.Framework == 'qb-core' then
    QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()

    QBCore.Functions.CreateUseableItem('megaphone', function(source, item)
        TriggerClientEvent('megaphone:use', source)
elseif Config.Framework == 'esx' then
    ESX = exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject()

    ESX.RegisterUsableItem('megaphone', function(source, item)
        TriggerClientEvent('megaphone:use', source)

I have not tested it but it should work.

Nice release !
Why not make a release without scully dependency?
I can do it if you are ok

Interesting script.
I hope player don’t abuse this🤦🏻‍♂️
Nice work.
Keep it up.

An edit of your script without scully dependencies for ESX

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check github I made some changes :smiley:

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approved :wink:

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How could I increase the range the megaphone is heard? Would that have to be done via pma-voice config?

It does not have scully emote dependency. It is just a custom emote from scully. You can have any emote menu, but just need to add the custom emote in it.

The range is depended on what is your current voice range. This script just adds the custom voice filter on top of client’s voice. The range and everything is done with proximity change.

Update :

  • Fixed the game breaking issue with the script. It was applying filter to the output of the client. Now it applies filter to the microphone of the player.

Download it from GitHub GitHub - cbdev9/Megaphone-for-FiveM: A megaphone script for FiveM Servers