Meet and Greet

I thought Boss was dead :o

@Boss is never dead.

also, introduction? nope, too busy for that crap, just look on my profile page if you want to know more, or add me to your ā€˜muted usersā€™ list if you prefer the opposite.


Done :smiley:

:joy:oh boyā€¦

Hi all,

My name is Alexander, Iā€™m from Russia and Iā€™m the only owner and creator of Los Santos V Freeroam Deathmatch.
Iā€™m working on it in about 3 years, and it still sucks because Iā€™m dumb about game design.
My server has no stable community except a few guys, because Iā€™m changing game rules quite often.
But we have Discord with ~200 members, ~30k unique players for all time.
I spent a lot of time working on it and some other releases (all of them are open-source) but didnā€™t earn any decent coin for that, so sometimes I had to stop it.
Iā€™m not an idiot but sometimes Iā€™m lazy to think good about what Iā€™m saying because of hard work and family.
Oh, and Iā€™m C++ Software Developer, so you can try to ask me something about it.
Nice to meet you all (except RP owners).


Disappointed, you didnā€™t even really do it :frowning:

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Haha. I canā€™t mute somethingā€™s thats as hot as you.

Hey ! :sunglasses:

My name is BrytoN and i am a simple contributor at FiveM ! :smiley:


My name is Jake, I run CTRP

@Smallo smells really bad

I like snail memes


Ohai fellers.
Iā€™m Demonen, or Demmy, if you like.

Right now, Iā€™m partially responsible for a mess called Swedish Paradise. It used to be one of those cookie cutter ESX servers, but my predecessor as a host did a lot of work modifying and upgrading here and there to make it just that little bit different and, in our eyes, better.
When he was going to shut down the server because of AFK issues, I offered to host. Now the server runs an insane 144 resources, 61 of which are written by me. Mostly silliness such as paradise-robbery (robbing banks/stores) and paradise-status (you have to eat/drink to survive, get funky visual effects from drugs), so itā€™s not like itā€™s anything revolutionary.

People seem to enjoy it, though, and we currently sit at 862 users with an active user base of a couple of hundred each month.
Weā€™re a semi-democratic team of admins that run it. I try to keep my anger issues out of user administration and channel it into something useful, like slowly strangling ESX with my paradise-whatever resources.

Iā€™m an actual software developer by trade, but seeing as Iā€™m chronically ill I donā€™t do much actual work anymore. ā€œFaffing about with Luaā€ is probably the best description of what I do these days.

Oh, and I have a reputation of actually screaming at players. Iā€™ve got a bit of a temper, and lose my shit when people donā€™t follow all our 92481 overly detailed RP rules. Not my proudest moments.

Anyway, I hope to write more actually useful code that hits the release section some day.
I try to drop random code on people in Discord whenever someone is solving something Iā€™ve already solved, so feel free to poke me to see if I might have some useful snippet.



I like the sound of that :smile::ok_hand:t2:


Bro. Add me. You would be great in a prank video.


Hah, Iā€™m already on medication for high blood pressure, so youā€™d essentially be trying to kill me :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh shit.

Iā€™m a dead president.

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Ok sir.

I LOVE Australians. Nice to meet you.

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Same goes man :slight_smile:

They are nastyā€¦disgustingā€¦ I MEAN amazing people. gotta remember @smallo has perms here