[MAP] Rags & Riches v1.5.4.1 & Light (featuring the Mile High Club)

Our team is on the case, we understood you are receiving help. If problems arise in the future, please contact us.

We do our best to answer all questions. If they are missed, feel free to remind us.

Hello, you have ignored all advice we gave you in the discord. The product has no texture bugs like you were describing, it was your ignorance on installing map resources that caused this ā€œbugā€. Obviously since youā€™re the only one who has this exact issue, the error is on your end. If you become impatient at us for that, even though we were trying to figure it out with you, then we cannot help you further.

Headshot Iā€™m sure you are mistaken me for someone else I said nothing ignorant in discord? I didnā€™t come at anyone for anything so if this is how this company is ran I will not be purchasing anything farther from this company and will not refer another person so please donā€™t come at me saying stuff like that that didnā€™t happen

I am not mistaking you for someone else, your LOD/texture bug is user error. Itā€™s my good right to inform other users that your comment is not applicable to them, because what you say is not correct in the way that itā€™s our fault. You have lost your patience when staff tried to help you yesterday, there is nothing more we can do in that case.

Does this mod work client side?

It is designed to be installed server side. Client side it wonā€™t work. Must always be installed on the server.

Trying to seek support via discord and there is no where to get actual help from staff! You charge $100 for an MLO with the ability to have MLO housing in the structure but every time you fly in to the apartments nothing renders!!! Product is worth $100 but the customer service makes it worth $0!

Looks like a great asset to use and thank you so much for making a ā€œliteā€ version for free!! Unfortunately, this blew our poolsize budget :confused:

Hopefully FiveM will allow for better gameconfigā€™s in the future and weā€™ll revisit adding this!!

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Weā€™re glad that you like the product. It is unfortunately not configured yet to support saving inside the structure. Our team is however looking in to this.

Regarding you customer service statement, patience is key. You demanded immediate support while it is not only weekend. Many of our staff members were sleeping. Any normal person would understand this. Our team will definitely get back to you.

Weā€™re incredibly happy that you like the product so much! Lets hope the pool size limitation will be something from the past at some point. :slight_smile:

Negative I demanded nothing but support for a $100 purchase. You donā€™t even have support tickets, you have a support channel that is filled with tons of people just talking, you also donā€™t have it stated anywhere that staff if off on weekends are not available. How about you listen to the comments of your customers and focus more on improving your customer support then trying to save face and stop placing blame! Who releases an mlo product and states that it has multiple mlo apartments inside but never let it be known that they are unusable. I paid $100 for an unusable product that makes it seem very scamish! This mlo is really just a glorified exterior with no usubale interiors!

As we indicated before, you were never denied any support. (when ā€œdemandingā€, it sounds very much entitled) Our team gives supports to all clients within reasonable time. 95% of the Rags & Riches users encounter no issues, the process is seamless.

In relation to the support tickets, these no longer work. As the bot stopped working. As a result weā€™re developing a new ticket system. This has also been communicated in the announcements channels.

We strongly advise you to check with the community first before making such faulty statements. Weā€™ll refrain from childish arguments online. If you want support, then lets communicate in a respectful and well mannered way. Our team is still willing to help you (most likely on Monday).

Either way, we wish you a wonderful day.

  • On a side note, the Mile High Club is an hotel and does not feature any apartments. It only has hotel rooms available inside.

This is my same issue but they seem more focused on pushing out new product for more money then actually helping customers solve problems with their unfinished product!

  1. Its not demanding, Iā€™m asking for support with no reply, its states no where in your discord that staff is away on weekends so you just expect customers to assume? lmfao
  2. I also looked in your announcements and fail to find anywhere that says you are creating a new support ticket system since your previous one failed.
  3. Again this comes down to poor customer service, you just wanna save face on this forum, I literally have 0 issues talking to support with any of my other products but yours. I can literally scroll through support and general in your discord and most questions get ignored.
  4. You claim 95% please show me how you got that number? Cause all I see is people screaming in your discord and this forum about the product not working correctly and a ton of people suggesting not to buy it cause its unfinished!
  5. Last but not least it doesnā€™t matter if its used as a hotel or apartments, the way its currently set up you cant spawn into your building on any of the floors that have rooms cause nothing renders! So how am I able to use it as a hotel when people cant spawn into their HOTEL room.

Focus less on saving face and improving your product, you continuously push out new products without actually finishing or fixing your most expensive one!


As said before, weā€™re not saving face. People can judge by the way you talk and reason, whoā€™s in the wrong here. With this attitude, you wonā€™t receive any further support from our team. We are more than happy to help anyone who encounters a legit problem and behaves normally. Weā€™re however, less supportive when someone is spreading blatant lies on a forum.

Any decent human being has the basic knowledge that during weekends, people are often busy or away.

So humans cant have attitude? Iā€™m not cursing or being disrespectful, Iā€™m telling the truth and based on you now saying I wont see any further support it shows how badly you take criticism, customer should always be allowed to speak on their frustration with a product and their support but you donā€™t like that. Iā€™ll be issuing a chargeback for not receiving what I paid for. Improve your product and customer support instead of trying to maximize you profit margins! Have a blessed day.

By the way in America most people work on the weekends so again you expecting someone to guess you are off on the weekends shows your inability to communicate effectively with customers. Then just tried to insult my intelligence tsk tsk tsk!


I have this and Iā€™m looking for support the link for the discord is invalid or changed can someone please help me

Hey I recently purchased the subscription an I have roxwood and the Cassidy project and swoosy woosy installed on my server but can find it no where ??? Can I get someone to help me find these locations

TOP MAP MADE TO THIS DAY gta their self failed all these years but you didnt :heart:

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