[MAP] Rags & Riches v1.5.4.1 & Light (featuring the Mile High Club)

This is just how escrow works ATM, this is with every escrow protected map or vehicle.

Care to explain? What water related native?

We developed a new native for 5M that regulates water levels. The native has been implemented in our code already. Now it is up to the CFX team to include it in theirs, so everyone can use it. Once they have done that, then water will automatically appear. :slight_smile:

How does that work?

Please elaborate upon your question, how does what work?

Well, you suggested you’re using a script/native for your solution for pool water. I was dealing with something similar recently myself and not exactly to my satisfaction.

So, I’m curious how your native works. What it does. What’s the possible limitations etc. Eg., currently when trying to make a pool, you have 2 options - either create a ydr/yft with water collision, but that created water collision under it without limits (everything below the collision is flooded). Or changing water.xml, but that’s not ideal for pools.

So, I’m curious what your native does exactly.

Ah in that sense, good question! The native basically utilizes new functions introduced by R*. Hence you are able to set certain bounds. Allowing you to add water to pools above an interior and setting the max height as well as the lowest point. So you no longer have to worry about the water having no limits. Since the native introduces definable limits.

Any fix for the pool size error?

Hello, we have the following problems.

  1. We cannot edit the occlusion, since we have several MLO`s we have to adjust the occlusion so that the world does not disappear in the building. Can you help us with this?
  2. If you log out of the Mile High Club and then restart FiveM and reconnect, the building has completely disappeared and you are up in the air.

fantastic MLO map brilliant

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Are you sure?
Go to the spa/gym and log out and back in. Then it looks like my previous post. But you don’t even get an answer here.

How can I install this mod on sp?

This should have been fixed in the latest version that has been running for some time now.

We would love to elaborate upon it, however, that does take some time. In short, the new native regulates the bounds for a water box. Meaning, you can adjust the min and max levels in all directions. Creating pools wherever you want it, without the worry of it going through other levels.

Currently we focus on FiveM solely. You could try hosting an SP game via the FiveM launcher.

I just wanna exterior only mod on SP.

Well, you just did elaborate. Took you maybe 10 seconds.

I suppose you’re talking about

// ModifyWater
void MODIFY_WATER(float x, float y, float height, float radius);
Sets the water height for a given position and radius. 

The pool depth was limited with a new custom native that got accepted into the FiveM codebase eventually.

Hope this helps, feel free to ask if you have more questions about it


i just bought this and it is extremly buggy textures are messed up stuff from construction still in there and tarps on the side of the building dont think its worth 80$$

It always amazes me when people post a post that doesn’t have an answer, or is it intentionally ignored?