[map][free] los santos river recreation area

Amazing work as always my friend! Shipwreck looking good :wink:

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Its fire !!

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need help? i make maps

if you can find the conflict with the water collision that would be excellent

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Saying it’s a shame to release something already made by someone else, or that you’re just copying, is ridiculous. It’s like telling someone releasing a new MRPD that it’s pointless and lacks unique ideas because Gabz released one four years ago. Naturally, we all want to see new and refreshing ideas, but as long as the creator enjoyed making it, what’s wrong with that? Anyway, we can always debate the quality, the issues, and everything else, but yes, it’s free, and creating another version of something already available on FiveM is not a problem at all :slight_smile:


one thing I find unfortunate is the texture of the grass on the small islands. Do you think it’s possible to improve this also in V2? :slight_smile:

i added a bar and more trees


those trees with the lights look so good!

Hello, thx for the free mapping, but this is not notmal no ?

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No, as above, i did put a dam wall there but it doesnt show due to the overpass being an mlo, I am working on a version 2 to extent the river to meet up with the stream so you can ski all the way up.
There are a couple of other fixes in the works so hopefully be out in a couple of days

i added a dam on the river end and it load in my sever do you have a discord?

yeah it works in my localhost but in a couple of online servers, it pops in and out

I really like your work and what you offer. However, I find its barriers quite ugly. It’s not ethical.

I thought you were going to bring the river to the mini-dam

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It’s a temporary fix, and he is learning very fast on how to make YDR and learning water collision, so this project will only get better mate.


pls just add river without anything it would be best i think <3

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So, damn wall was my fault, I did not use a ped to get the scale of it. But I’m looking at making water completely down the river so it will match it and look better with out a dam.

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could u maybe make just river i think it would be much better without any walls, buildings?

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that’s what i said
[ so it will match it and look better with out a dam. ]
dam wall

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oh okay

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I’m just working on some of my projects and learning about making water, so it might take a bit, but it’s a free project.

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