I have extended the water as far along the river as is possible, the main restriction being continuing the water height along the channel and spill over into the surrounding areas, (train tunnels etc)
---- FEATURES -----
Swimmable and boating waters
Main recreation area islands
Decorative islands along the river
Dam at ocean end of river
Walkway across to islands
Walkway into water for wreck diving
Night lighting
Jetski hire
Diving adventure at artificial reef, with coral and fish
Custom signs and props
Peds still spawn occasionally in the river, so you may see someone swimming, or floating face down
There is a strong current from the residual river so diving on the north side of the wreck can be a bit hazardous.
The shipwreck doesnt have collisions
This is a very ‘props intensive’ map some may have some performance issues on low end servers or other resource intensve maps in the area.
No flashy intro video or flowery hard sell, its free.
There is a large area of the water that loses its collisions so I have placed the islands in that area. The bouys show the outer border of the problem area. I am unable to find the reason for this. The rest of the water behaves normally for swimming and boating.
Happy for feedback of a postive nature to improve the map
If anyone can help with information in relation to the collision issue with the water, I’d appreciate any advice you can provide.
---- USE ----
Free to use, modify, edit, not to be sold separately or as part of a package
I have modified the map, however the water collision is not fixed as yet.
Island textures have been modified to better grass texture
Shipwreck collisions applied
Dam walls at the 3 ends of the river
Bouys located around the island to reduce the chance of any impact on the player.
I would like to acknowledge the input, props and work by the following;
Thanks to JIM_gordon_9623 for his work on the dams for each end and the collisions applied to the shipwreck
Thanks to OKCRP for the use of the bitcoin machine
Work will continue to fix the collision problem with the water around the islands.
Thanks for your feedback, I did try a few different shapes but decided on the circle style as the waterway is man made not natural and therefore wouldnt look out of place.
Even I dont use your maps yet, I cant help noticing how generous and productive you are, keep it up its original community feelings that warms my heart 🫶🏼
thanks for the feedback, i didn’t remove the original river so it can get a bit diccy if swimming to deep in places. I didn’t edit any vanilla files as there are so many mlos now in the city that there would end up being conflicts resulting in problems for server owners.
Not sure what is going on with the end of the river, I placed a dam wall there and on testing it worked but a few people have reported that it is not there. I am starting to think that the underpass is an mlo which would cause that issue.
I am working on a fix though to extend the river into the existing river which will allow you to ride a ski to the end, should be a couple of days.
I appreciate you putting in the time to let me know, thanks
Yes i did point that out in the description, there is something conflicting with the water collisions right at the area of the islands, so i had to make the islands larger to try to cover it.
I am still trying to work out what the conflict is and have a more experienced person helping out, there are a couple of other issues that need fixing so I am working on those so keep an eye out on v2 hopefully in the next couple of days
Thanks for the feedback