Looking for a server to join!

Still looking for a city, not looking to join one that is dead or is poorly developed.


bump still potentially seeking

Hii~! :space_invader:
Maybe you’ll take an interest in our community? We are Helix RP~ an 18+ whitelisted server who aims to create a safe space for people to create long-term stories :open_book: Our community is tight-knit, averaging from 10-20 people per day. (Not including events we host!)

We have a bunch of colorful personalities :hibiscus: and most of our code is custom-made by our developer! He stated many times that he prefers performance over everything. :cowboy_hat_face: Our staff is active and friendly, willing to listen to our community and give them a city that would love to thrive in!

We also have an active, growing police force. I believe we just reached 30 officers! :policeman: We would love for you to join our team and help us flourish as a community. We’re looking for more officers around the clock! :clock1:

:alien: Feel Free to take a looksie at our other links:

CFX Post :alien: (updated weekly)
Our Lovely Reddit post :red_car:
Discordddd :sparkles:
Links to the rest of our social media accounts! :person_raising_hand:

bumpp looking still

share your community

Still open!

not looking for vmenu


Nitro Roleplay is a qbcore based with no pixel inspired things! Serious rp, currently looking for ems and pd. Come check it out

bump! invite me to your server

bump .

share your server please and thank you

bump, still seeking an community


please invite me to your server



bump! share your city