[Looking for]: Department Heads/Server Management


Contact me: Auditz

Contact me: Auditz#8180

Welcome to Nitro Roleplay

Here, you’ll find endless opportunities for various occupations. Immerse yourself in a lifelike setting with exclusive homes, top-notch cars, and custom sounds tailored just for you. Our community takes role-playing seriously, ensuring a rich and engaging experience. Got questions? Don’t worry, just drop us a message on Discord, and our active team will be there to assist you 24/7! If you’ve been searching for a high-quality server to invest your time in, look no further. We guarantee that every moment spent here will be thoroughly enjoyable, as we’re committed to providing you with the best possible experience. Thank you for joining us on this thrilling adventure in our server!

Come check it out!

discord.gg/VSrw8mRVDm, we have all 01 positions open

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hi! Check out Karma RP!
We have a decent amount of Police but always need more!

Hello, I might have a new Home for you. We have friendly staff and extremely active.

Everyday we continue to grow more and more. Our staff team here dedicates tons of time to make the community great for our players to enjoy.

Weekly updates, and we are currently hiring for many departments. Our server is NOT a paid to win server and never will be.

Check out our forum for more information.

bump still looking

Website: www.FamilyRP.net

Discord: Family RP

TikTok: www.FamilyRP.net (@familyrp.fivem) | TikTok

Reddit: Reddit - Dive into anything

:small_orange_diamond: OPEN BETA NOW LIVE! :small_orange_diamond:

Beta open from 2pm-2am Central Time

Welcome to FamilyRP where players will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a diverse range of professions, and engage in various activities within the city. They can choose to be law enforcement officers, business owners, emergency service personnel, or even regular citizens trying to make a living."

The city also focuses on providing a realistic and immersive roleplaying experience, where players can interact with each other, participate in dynamic events, and shape the city’s narrative through their actions. From routine traffic stops to high-stakes criminal investigations, every day brings new challenges and opportunities in and out of the City Of Los Santos.

We are looking to provide you with a city that captivates everyone with multiplayer jobs, detailed criminal systems, and top-tier LEO/FIRE services. Our community is lead by high-quality RP’ers, who’ve played on some the most popular GTA:RP platforms to date. Here at FamilyRP you will find that our departments are lead by actual officers and troopers to offer an authentic experience, without overpowering LEO:RP within the city. Balance, fairness, and transparency are key elements we incorporated to the development of FamilyRP.

Have you tried Family RP?

Professionally developed server that is serious/realistic.



bump still looking

still looking


still looking bump

bump still need staff

still looking bump

