Looking for a good RP server but dont know if my english speaking skills are enough

Hey, I hope I have placed this topic in the right category if not Im sry feel free to move it.

Im a 29 year old guy with like 600 hours RP experience in swedish RP but I would love to try out english RP to see how it is but I dont know if my english are good enough for it. I mean I dont want to destroy the experience for others as Im a RP player that love to create stories, scenarios, build my character from the ground up, use other players RP as tools, dont mind “wining/losing” scenarios as long as it evolves the RP for everyone included in the scenario. I have good knowledge about most of the rules that are used for the most part atleast within swedish RP and guess they are pretty much the same in english RP. Have experience of rping civilians, criminals, emerancy workers and a little bit of police.

My dream server would be a server that are helping me evolving my skills both as a RP player but also as a english speaker as I really want to get to the next level but also a place that gives me a chance to get to know new people. If the server are more focused on longterm RP, story building, realistic and serious RP that is a huge bonus as well.

Looking forward to get the help to find the right server for me if my english are good enough for it.
Best regards

Come check us out bro, we’ll work with you on the English part

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Hullo ~ ! :space_invader:
So, from your message alone it seems like you would complete a better application than most English speakers that try to join our server :laughing: You were able to communicate your wants and desires in a clear way as well!

I’m staff apart of a server named Helix RP :space_invader: We’re an 18+ whitelisted server, that aims to create a safe space for our roleplayers. Our community involves various people from different walks of life. I would like to say they tend to be friendly, accepting, and happily help you in your fluency in English.

A bit more about our community, We focus on a strict ruleset to keep our server atmosphere healthy and enjoyable for everyone. We create many opportunities for civilians and criminals to be successful over time along with heavy consequences for criminals. Our server is give-n-take, we reward good behavior and good RP. It’s about the creativity and storytelling for us along with creating an healthy ecosystem that involves every inch of our community.

:heart: For more information, please check out our links below:

CFX Post :alien: (updated weekly)
Our Lovely Reddit post :red_car:
Discordddd :sparkles:
Links to the rest of our social media accounts! :person_raising_hand:

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i mean vmenu rp allows for all creativity so if you wanna check out vmenu, check our server out:


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Your English doesn’t need to be good in Orbit. Feel free to join. Orbit RP

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Feel free to check us out

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Hi, @NashlanCLOAK

Come and give us a try over at Alabama State Role Play, We are a new up and coming economy server with a strive for quality, creative and realistic role play, We gladly welcome new players and would like to see you in the city, We are also looking for gangs, leo’s, ems and player ran bussinesses.

If any of those things interests you, Below you can find the link to our forum page.

Forum Link

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Hey Nashlan. Your English seems to be good enough judging by your writing skills. Care to check out Mentrix?

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