Light Bars


Light Bars

Product has been discontinued and moved to EVC


what is the different of this [Release] Lightbar Menu Script: Attatch Lightbars to ANY vehicle w/ Sirens for you 18$ and this one is free


Hi there,

It’s a fair question !
We tried the one offered by Munky, and while it’s a good concept it lacks a lot of polishing and relies heavily on network events.

We took the idea to the next step, using all the features of NativeUI, FiveM State Bags which greatly reduce the network load, added an option to select sirens among a list, made the placement easier with sliders and also the ability to save the configuration on the server so that it is restored when the vehicle spawns again (lights placement and siren selection).

If you feel like it’s not worth it, please try both (on our server you can try ours) and let us know!

Thank you

Is it possible to make a job locked command for this script, because its locked by Escrow so just the police job can use it? And does this script save into the database or local file?

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There’s a whitelist in place

The whitelist verification is unencrypted so you can add your own checks. It comes pre-configured for identifiers (steam, discord, ip, FiveM licence…) and ESX jobs

For the save, it saves and loads from/to a json file on the server

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anyway to make this model wide, instead of just the plate, or have both options. looks like a good solution to our Light issues with over 400 cars with lights and sirens and a few have issues, plus have many more we deleted over time because of light issues, a few others the lights don’t work up to expectations. Would love to see this model wide so its one and done per model

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Well i bought and tested it. Works good. Just found one bug: If you spawn your car with your saved settings, it will sometimes only display one lightbar if you have setup more than one in the menu. The lightbar will spawn but it doesn’t work. So you have to park your car and get it out again. Its like a 50/50 chance. Would also like to have a 90 degree rotate setting, so you don’t have to rotate the whole lightbar for “hours” to get it to 180 degree for the back or the sides. Btw i would also like to have a open trigger for the car that is currently using the siren, so people can adapt things to the script like automatically add a police horn or disable keys. Because we use “Q” for our siren and it will always change the radio.



Thank you for the feedback.
We will look into the spawning issues and correct them as soon as possible

Regarding the rotation speed, there’s a sensitivity setting in the config but it applies to both the translation and rotation. We will separate those two settings.

For the event I did not understand, you can change the keybind in the config to whatever you want.
You can also call ExecuteCommand from any other client script to execute the keybind
For instance ExecuteCommand("lightbar_siren") should turn on/off the siren if the vehicle the player is in has some

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I purchased it, please help me.
The menu does not open.

I installed “NativeUI” and “lightbars” and “LightBar” on my server.

I pressed the F6 key but nothing happened.

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Did you add yourself to the whitelist? In the file Shared/shared.lua


It’s works! :+1:
Thank you for your support for beginners.


I not asking for a 3D modeler, I am looking for you to replace the per plate to per model.

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Sorry I misread, I though you wanted the 3D model to be wider.

We’ll add an option to apply per model rather than per plate

Hi @CSYON, we didn’t manage to reproduce it on our end.
What script are you using to park your car ?

We just released an update !


:white_check_mark: Ability to register siren and lights per model and / or per plate (defaults to per plate, option in the config file) Request from @ComoSans1969
:white_check_mark: Range and sensitivity can be customized for rotation Request from @CSYON

Compatibility with WM-ServerSirens and VLC?

Don’t know much about those. Could you explain what they do or provide links ?

Edit : After a quick look at WM-ServerSirens, it should be compatible but we haven’t tested it

we use esx_advancedgarage.

I contacted you in your DM to resolve this

They were some issues with keymaster yesterday which made the release of the version 1.1.0 impossible.

They should be resolved by now and you should be able to get the latest version from

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