Just Apartments

Just Apartments

Video Demo Just Apartments Demo - YouTube



Optional Dependencies


Adds apartments that can be rented by players the cost and rent length can be changed by apartment in the SQL along with a starter apartment on Alta Street includes an option to view an apartment before purchasing the ability to give keys to other players along with a stash using OX_Inventory and a wardrobe using BRP Fivem Appearance. I plan to add offices and a shared garage system for those that have keys to the same apartment along with any other suggestions I might receive.


  1. Ensure any dependencies before the script
  2. Run the SQL file
  3. Add TriggerServerEvent('just_apartments:getLastApartment') after your player spawns in if you use a spawn selector add it for last location option and TriggerServerEvent('just_apartments:updateLastApartment', nil) for any other option to prevent instancing outside of apartments
Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1,300
GitHub - overextended/ox_lib: A collection of Lua functions to utilise in other resources.
GitHub - brentN5/bt-polyzone
Support Yes

Wrong game mate. This is the RedM Section.

are u gunna do a QB version

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I don’t have any plans to I don’t really like QB so I don’t touch it if someone made an edit that allowed it to work for both and put it in a pull request I would merge it in for the people who want it

It hasn’t worked for me

Are you getting any errors?

doesn’t work for me too
No errors

I need more information on which parts don’t work like are the blips even appearing on the map or is nothing happening at all on startup?

blips are not appearing

Ok so it’s not loading either the client or config scripts is it working for anyone? Are you all sure you have all the dependencies also when you look for errors make sure you scroll up to just after the script starts too cause it’s also loading an interior for the starter apartment which adds a lot to the F8 console.

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no errors, all dependencies installed

I didn’t receive my Just Apartments ?

Hi there, there are some issues for me in the script. I Try to explaine as detailed as i can.

When i Buy an Apartment i get some Errors in Client and Server Console all dependencies are loaded before this script. I made notes in the screenshot of the Errors in Server Console.

When i Buy an apartment i get a Error
then i try to enter it nothing happens except the progress bar showing up and the sound playing.
Then I run out of the building that the Apartment Text on the right on the screen disappear run back in press E for Apartment and press Enter and it works after the Progressbar is finished. also Leaving the Apartment is Working at this point wihout issues except that i think that the Instance isnt get “cleared”.

Ok I have a pretty good idea of what’s likely happening from what you showed me I should be able to get that fixed at some point today

Just pushed the fix for this

okay, i will try and let you know

So i Tried and Entering now works perfectly fine. Also exiting hes reseting the Instance but same Error on the Mouse click when “buying” an Apartment.

Ox inventory and ox_lib is on latest version

This should be fixed now

yep seems so but now the stash wont open at all when pressing E at the stash location.

but the thing is there is no Error Message neither on Client or Server Side.

Just tryed some things, the stashes are working when a Player rent an Apartment before an Server restart.
(Rent Apartment → Stash not opening → Restart Server → Get in Apartment → Stash is opening)
But then things gettin wild :smiley:

at this point wherever you press E its opening the Stash of the Apartment

i attach some pictures and you see what i mean

Is there a Way you can Implement an option for ox_apperance ?

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I pushed an edit that should allow this it needs to be tested by someone using ox_appearance though