Party command for civs to be drunk. Made for FXServers.
This script allows for you to be drunk. after having a beer. It is very stable and works without flaws.
- Get drunk after having a beer.
- Player walks as if they were drunk.
- Sober up after 10 mins.
- Place JaysBeer in resource folder.
- Start JaysBeer in your server.cfg.
- Type /beer in game.
Video: https://youtu.be/mFSFKXEztRM
Let me know what you think by leaving a heart!
Same as esx_optionalneeds but without the real function of drinking actually an ITEM -.- dont’see the sense m8. 
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Note: For those that failed to download it as the link was incorrect I have fixed the link. Please re-try.
isn’t this already a thing ?? iv had this in my server for ages ??
also there is this that I have been using >>> [Release] Trundles Drunk Driving
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Yes this has already been made for esx and I believe there is a standalone one for driving. But there is not a standalone drunk script with the animation attached. You can look at the code for yourself its not copied at all.
- Player walks as if they are drunk.
- Notifications.
Additional info:
I am pretty much done with this script let me know if there are any more features it needs and please let me know if any bugs occur. Don’t be shy!
Enjoy guys!
“Your” is not the same as “you are”
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Ok thanks for the information. Please unless it is related to this script please refrain from saying it as it clutters up the post. Thanks
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Sure. But it’s in your addon alert 
Thanks for letting me know.
Thank you for your positive feedback.
My character does not walk drunk even with the effect on after the beers.
Not sure if it has to do with this area, why set drunk false before actions? Screen goes green and everything works EXCEPT the drunk animation. When i set that highlighted value to true the animation worked but it looped and after it sobered up it got drunk again automatically.
para que haga el efecto de borracho en la linea 43 agregue esto:
if not HasAnimSetLoaded(“MOVE_M@DRUNK@VERYDRUNK”) then
while not HasAnimSetLoaded("MOVE_M@DRUNK@VERYDRUNK") do
SetPedIsDrunk(GetPlayerPed(-1), true)
ShakeGameplayCam("DRUNK_SHAKE", 1.0)
SetPedConfigFlag(GetPlayerPed(-1), 100, true)
SetPedMovementClipset(GetPlayerPed(-1), "MOVE_M@DRUNK@VERYDRUNK", 1.0)