[Release] Trundles Drunk Driving

Now you can drive drunk in FiveM or run around wasted off slash commands.
Thanks to the Radiant Gaming community for testing this out for me.

How to use:

  • Start Radiant_Drunk
  • Type /drink to get drunk (keep typing it to increase drunk level)
  • Type /sober to be not drunk or wait 5 minutes to sober up after drinking


  • 3 levels of drunkness
  • Realistic screen effects
  • 8 Random effects while driving drunk
  • 3 different drunk walk styles
  • Adjust how often drivers are hit by random drunk events
  • Easily adjust how long the random events last on the driver
  • Does not require any framework(is a standalone resource)

Radiant_Drunk.rar (1.8 KB)

This was based off esx_optionalneeds but I did not want to use esx_status just to make people drunk.

Try racing your friends after a few slash commands, type responsibly.




Is this standalone?


It does not require any framework such as ESX or VRP.

Don’t drink and drive :stuck_out_tongue:

Very Cool Keep up the good work

Dude! you are the freaking best! I’ve been looking for a script like this forever! I have already implemented it into my server with other scripts and is working excellent! Don’t know how to thank you! Keep the hard work!


Would i be easy to mae a drug effect from this script?

Yes it would be fairly easy.

Would you mind helping me with that. Im very new to this I am barely starting to understand and change things :slight_smile:

Make a request and see if someone will make it for you. Im currently busy and cannot help you make this. You can always dm me and i can get to you when i have a chance.

Will do thanks! Would you mind if I post your script with the credit to you and ask someone if they can modify it for drug effect?

Drug effects would be easy to add, just depends on what exactly you want them to do.

so the same driving effects would be fine, but if I could get a camera effect like this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jwBklJ1_rs](http://Drug effect) would be great!

Hey, I tried Adding this to the setPlayerDrunk() function:

StartScreenEffect(“DrugsMichaelAliensFight”, 5000, 0)

It is not working. I just want the same effects as drunk, but adding a little camera effect. Preferably the one above. Anybody can help?

this is how i did it on mine

function setPlayerDrunk(anim, shake)
	local PlayerPed = PlayerPedId()

	while not HasAnimSetLoaded(anim) do

	SetPedMovementClipset(PlayerPed, anim, true)
	ShakeGameplayCam("DRUNK_SHAKE", shake)
	StartScreenEffect("DrugsMichaelAliensFight", 50000, 1)
	StartScreenEffect("DrugsMichaelAliensFightIn", 50000, 1)
	SetPedMotionBlur(PlayerPed, true)
	SetPedIsDrunk(PlayerPed, true)

-- Return to reality
function Sober()

		local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
		level = -1
		timing = false
		drunk = false
		drunkDriving = false
		ResetPedMovementClipset(playerPed, 0)
		SetPedIsDrunk(playerPed, false)
		SetPedMotionBlur(playerPed, false)
		ShakeGameplayCam("DRUNK_SHAKE", 0.0)


Perfect! That did it ! thank you so much!

It’s so nice, great job.

I learn a few trick with those codes… thank you guys

You can also use to sobber up the Cam shakes


instead of triggering a ShakeGameplayCam(“DRUNK_SHAKE”, 0.0) at 0.0 intensity.
Maybe save a supa small amount of juice :slight_smile:

Would be nice if you could also share the version with esx_optionalneeds since you made it of this.
would be also nice i think :slight_smile:

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