Interaction Menu Design

Hey guys,

im looking to change the design for the pop-up that comes up when for example ur picking drugs the menu on the bottom left corner that says “press e to pick up”.
or when entering a shop “press e to shop” is there anyway to design that message ? what am i looking for ?

You can’t change the design of this, but you there are other scripts that add-in similar notifications and allow you to customize more

Really ? I thought about making a new export for mythic_notify since I’m using that. But if there is something like this that already exists that’s nice too. Could you give me the ones you know ?

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I would say either pNotify:

or T-Notify:

Those are my personal favorites

well i tried adding it to a drug pickup prompt

	if nearbyObject and IsPedOnFoot(playerPed) then
		if not isPickingUp then
        text = "Testing Notification",
        type = "error",
        timeout = math.random(1000, 10000),
        layout = "centerLeft",
        queue = "left"

like this. but it only shows the notification after leaving the position when the prompt should actually appear. for example im near a drug plant, the notification doesnt appear. when i leave the plant it comes up. any clues ?