local coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
local heading = GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId())
local model = 'a_m_m_farmer_01'
local pedtypes = 1
while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) do
dad_ped = CreatePed(pedtypes, GetHashKey(model), coords, heading, false, true)
its default functions :
Create ped with coords
CreatePed(pedType, modelHash, x, y, z, heading, isNetwork, ScriptHostPed)
Create ped in vehicle :
CreatePedInsideVehicle(vehicle, pedType, modelHash, seat, heading, isNetwork, ScriptHostPed)
Seat :
-1 = Driver
0 = Front Right Passenger
1 = Back Left Passenger
2 = Back Right Passenger
3 = Further Back Left Passenger (vehicle doors > 4 seats)
4 = Further Back Right Passenger (vehicle doors > 4 seats)
i need a script were i can add multiple peds around the map and they just stand ther but i put them were
ever i want them is this the script im looking for??
I have used qb-shops for this, it works pretty well for this purpose.
I am not sure if qb-shops will work as standalone, but if you don’t intend to use it for its intended purpose, or have the QBCore as your framework, it works well to add more static peds into your world.
I will mention though, it uses “scenarios” instead of “animations”.
Make a new “shopkeeper” with no inventory items.
Set the shop radius to “0” to hide the shopkeepers inventory (default is “1.5”)
Disable “Third Eye Interaction” for the script.
I used it to place more strippers standng around on the floor at the Vanilla Unicorn. (All they do is dance and drink alcohol on the floor)
Sorry this reply is so late. I hope it still helps. But if you’ve found something else that works better with proper animations, please let us know what script you have been using.