[Ideas/Concepts] Territories/Gangs/Building Tools

I’m sure many of you have played or at least heard of SA:MP before, many servers in SA:MP let you own a territory, you could store lots of vehicles in them, weapons and more. I know that there is some sort of a plugin for owning a territory already but see, there’s no way to overtake it and it’s also very minimal feature-wise. In my personal opinion territories that your gang owns should be able to get captured by a rival gang in exception of course, there must be at least 2-3 gang members online on both sides, the raiders and territory owners in order for it to be available for raid. This obviously also means that there should be a plugin to create a gang too which I think there already is one, and if so it can be linked to that somehow. (doesn’t have to be a gang, it can be a legal company or similar)

I’m not sure if there’s already a different plugin for this but, in order to customize your territory there should be some sort of a building plugin to let you spawn stuff like walls/roofs etc to basically let you customize your territory.

Territories should only be available at least 500m away from one another/or just add capture points manually yourself if you are a server admin. In addition, territories cannot be near or in a city, they should only be on flat/empty grounds. Territories should always have a start price no matter what too.

Owning a territory: A territory should be expandable to a certain degree, this will encourage players to continue earning and designing their territory, commands like “/territory expand 1” and lets say the max size for a territory is 5 so “/territory expand 5” of course a higher expansion, a higher price.

Adding security: this is something that i’m going to mention in my next paragraph, players could keep upgrading their security to make it harder on the raiders to breach in (adding more time to breach in, etc…), gangs can also order real/npc security/bodyguards and pay them rent, there could be various kinds of those too of course. Adding storage for weapons and garages would also be really neat to have. A territory should also be a spawn point and gang members could always type commands like “/home 1” to teleport to it, not if wanted or under search/arrest by the cops though because that would be considered combat-logging in most servers.

Now i’m gonna talk about the concept of raiding/capturing a territory, in order to capture a territory you first have to breach its security, if you’re the raider and lets say you’re about to raid someone, you group up with your gang and you go to the territory area, once you arrive there you’ll have to type in chat something like “/territory raid” or just “/raid” and of course if a raider decides to go there alone and attempt to raid it, it will tell him in red text something like: “You must have at least 2 people in the territory in order to start a raid.” but if he does have more than 2 people and he starts the raid, it will say in chat “STARTED RAIDING…” and then it’ll display the time it’ll take to breach in through the security. While the security is being breached the gang that owns the territory won’t be able to teleport to their territory and will have to buckle up and drive back fast, the raid can be displayed globally so that real cops could interfere too to stop the raid, territories after all are legal property, at least in my story.

If the raiders succeed in breaching the security they could start stealing cars/weapons or general stashes that the territory owners have in storage or if they want to capture the territory completely they’ll have to wait another extra huge amount of time, this is when it gets real hard though helicopters/ swat teams/ real cops get a huge chance of winning in this case, the territory owners can of course still fight back and maybe even get their stolen stuff back as well if they win.

Territories can always be recaptured and if at least 2 gang members aren’t active for lets say 2 weeks the territory becomes available once again for purchase and the stock money (without the upgrades) goes back to the territory purchaser.

Territories can always be traded/sold/bought/switched for any price the owners choose.

You must own a territory yourself in order to capture one and territories in general should be really hard to capture because they should also cost a lot when their fully upgraded (lets say stock price 500000$ and fully upgraded 7500000$. Moreover, depending on the storage [cars/weapons/stashes of drugs/etc…] it can go up to 10mil+.)

Probably a waste of time what i wrote, but I really think that territories will make players play a lot longer on the server, this will also probably make scripters think about making new types of jobs that pay well.

If you have read all of what I wrote, leave your opinion down below I would like to read it too.



I think that is a great idea and introduction into a truly progressive rp experience.

Agreed, probably between the monster guys that have lua scripting down, work together on such a project would be sick.

Wish I had the experience to do such a task myself.

I’m super glad you guys found it great now all we need is some motivated scripters.

Not until now … :slightly_smiling_face: