[FREE][ESX] Territories (Territory System for Gangs, SA:MP Inspired!)



  • Different types of territories… (Selling Market, Buying Market, and the Default one with the stash only)
  • Capturing, blip blinking and updating is synced with every connected client.
  • Script usage: 0.00ms when not nearby.
  • NUI during the capture.
  • Ranking list with monthly and weekly points. On territory capture +3 points, on territory lose -2 points. (Not really user friendly, but I am always avaliable for help. It will be user-friendly in the next update)
  • Reward for every active gang member after a successful capture.
  • Creating/Deleting territories In-Game.
  • Command ‘territories’ to see every list of territories aswell as their statuses. (Cooldown, is currently being taken)
  • Gangs, jobs and their blip colors are configurable in config. (almost everything is configurable, and you still have access to the script since it’s not locked)
  • Stash for every territory. (ox_inventory)

Preview: LINK

  • Sorry for bad quality and “not full” preview, I’m currently short on time, but You can see the whole concept of it, and after reading the features, you can connect everything… (SCRIPT IS TRANSLATED TO ENGLISH IN FINAL RELEASE)

Decided to release the script, so here you go… :slight_smile:

If you encounter any problems or bugs contact me

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1100+
Requirements ox_lib, oxmysql, ox_inventory, rprogress (everything is accessible and editable)
Support Yes

Nice script bro, keep good work :slight_smile:
Bravo momce .

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Thank you! :heart:

Awesome! Keep up Mirza!

Thank you Abdul! :heart:

Awesome! Pozdrav brate!

You killed it bro , nice one!

Nice release! Cheers mate!

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Is this going to have qbcore version?

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Thanks! :heart:

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Thank you, I appreciate it! :heart::wave:t3:

Thanks, have a good one! :heart::grin:


I will release the QB version soon, possibly tonight or tomorrow eventually… :smile:

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ox_inventory I don’t use it, is there any problem?

If you expect stashes, you won’t have them unless you use ox_inventory. However, the script is open source and you can always modify it to your liking. I can also help anytime. :slight_smile:


QB-Core version is available now on tebex! If you encounter any issues, please contact me!

BUMP! Released for free.

v2 Released - Improved performance-wise, cleaned up nested if-statements, faster queries and better logic.
Also added version checking.

v3 Released - NUI Implemented, bug-fixes.