I need Help with Custom Vehicle Sound

hello, I have a problem with adding my own sound for the car on the fivem server, every time I connect to my server where I have the car, the game crashes and shows me the following error, I have no idea what’s wrong with it, I would greatly appreciate any advice or how to fix it because I can’t help it, thank you for every answer :slight_smile:
CitizenFX_log_2022-10-25T230616.log (116.0 KB)

Could you show the fxmanifest and folder its in?

This is my Folder With Sound and Vehicle
MercedesG63.rar (64.3 MB)

Was this in a pack?

the sound did not belong to that car, there are others for the reason that I tried to make sure that the sound was not defective.

Sorry for my anglish

All good,
Could you give me the Link to the Vehicle and Sound
maybe I could help you and make it into Pack for you

it’s ok now, I figured out how it works for me, I was doing the fxmanifest and sound components wrong all the time, so I’ve solved it and it works for me, but thank you very much for your help, I appreciate it

Theres also a way to put many in sounds resources into one if you want to.

that would be quite handy for me.

Give me a sec I will give you a resouce template so you can use it
Mine is kinda to big

Ok thanks so much

Okay so heres the Resource

Way to use it is easy as example
Ecoboost Sound
put the .rel files into audioconfig and the dlc_ecoboost into sfx

Next the fxmanifest.lua is already setup for a a80ffeng but you can change it.
You just copy the data_file lines from the fxmanifest.lua from the sound that
vehiclesounds.rar (445 Bytes)

If you are confused, just give me a sec and I will make some screenshots to explain

No no I totally understand, I don’t know how to thank you, you’ve helped me so much

Ah no Problem just sharing my knowledge with others

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Having the same issue to stream sounds on my fivem server

Anyway you have the screenshots to explain? Ive been looking to do this and just found this thread

Made a Topic about this with Screenshots

so to add multiple sounds on to one resource i can just copy and paste the Data_file for each sound