I cant join in my server

I cant join in my own server

-messege- General handshake Failure

I made everething right you can check.

alt text alt textalt text

alt text server is running!

anyone can help me?

All i can say is that I’m experiencing a similar issue. Can’t even communicate with local loopback.

@exalented you can join on others servers?

@perzeus said in I cant join in my server.:

@exalented you can join on others servers?

That is correct.

@exalented said in General Handshake Failure:

I am experiencing a similar issue, i try to join my local loopback and i get a handshake error. I can successfully join other servers. My guess is that something is up with the new server files??? Everything looks forwarded and allowed through firewalls in all cases. Please look at giving a explanation or something (probably already doing, I’m just informing everyone i have similar issues).


Make sure steam is shut down everywhere even here https://gyazo.com/3c4dfd16de31fa19112841782db1aaa9

@TrooperGarry I tried but not working,thanks

@TrooperGarry said in I cant join in my server.:

Make sure steam is shut down everywhere even here Screen capture - 3c4dfd16de31fa19112841782db1aaa9 - Gyazo

I’ve tried this, still doesn’t affect the handshake error

@exalented Its its hamdshacke its your internet IDK what to tell you

@TrooperGarry Internet… keep in mind thats >> << I’m trying to connect to…

Figured out that it was just my scripts (whitelist)

(IKR, lol)

@exalented lol

@exalented said in I cant join in my server.:

Figured out that it was just my scripts (whitelist)

(IKR, lol)

lmao. :rofl:

HELP!!! please!!

@perzeus said in I cant join in my server.:

HELP!!! please!!

Do you connect through server list? Or through direct connect?

  1. Click the settings wheel (right top of the screen)
  2. Fill in the desired username
  3. Press CHANGE
  4. In the IP slot fill :
  5. Press CONNECT

@Boss said in I cant join in my server.:

In the IP slot fill :

I conect through server list,my friends cant join on my server too…

@perzeus said in I cant join in my server.:

@Boss said in I cant join in my server.:

In the IP slot fill :

I conect through server list,my friends cant join on my server too…

Did you forward your ports UDP and TCP?

@Boss yes…

What’s the ping for him?